Biblically, it is called the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23) and not Rosh HaShanah or the First of the Year. It is the Feast of Blowing Shofar blasts. If Yeshua kept Passover as the Passover Lamb, and if Yeshua kept Unleavened Bread, as the unleavened Bread of life put into the oven of the earth before dark, and if Yeshua arose from the abyss (having preached to the Spirits in Prison) on the Feast of FirstFruits (always on a Sunday), and if Yeshua blew in to the Upper Room on Shavuot or Pentecost, how will Yeshua fulfill the Feast of the Trumpets, ten days later Yom Kippur, and five days later, Sukkot or Tabernacles? Yeshua is Coming. Whatever you do, don't miss the coming of Messiah in the clouds!