First Things First:
To my sister in Christ, and friend Zoriah, you are mentioned in this episode. Without you being the vessel for the Lord to reach me, I would not have the knowledge that I have now. Without you, I would not truly understand what it means to be corrected in love. You are the blueprint of a Proverbs 31 woman and I will FOREVER be grateful for you and your obedience to Jesus. I will never take the friendship God has given us for granted. I love you 💓
Episode Intro:
"The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9
Sometimes we want something so bad or experience something or someone that is a replica of all the things we have ever desired. The Lord is so good. He blesses His children, He is faithful to them even when they are far. He gives them the desires of their hearts if it is in His will because the heart can be deceitful and have you believe that you want or need something that is actually no good for you. You see Jesus gives blessings.. but the devil gives gifts too, wrapped in a pretty yet poisonous bow.
The devil can give you everything you THINK you want to keep you in bondage and away from your true calling and assignment. He preys on your pain. Whether it be a broken friendship, trouble at work, rocky marriage, he will attempt to sneak in and slither into your life to control your narrative. If he can get you away from the Lord he can turn you every which way but loose. And this is where we need the power of discernment and understanding to know when a counterfeit is in front of us. We must ask the Lord to the lift the veil off of our eyes so that we may see the true colors and intentions of the person in front of us. But remember Ephesians 6 "For we do not wrestle with flesh and blood" P A Y A T T E N T I O N to the spirit that operates behind a person. This is "Faced With a Counterfeit"
Jeremiah 17:9
2 Corinthians 11:14
Ephesians 6:12
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May the Lord Bless you, and keep you 💓