
  • 09. How do I forgive myself?

    Forgiveness doesn't come easy, especially when it's the need to forgive yourself. It's easy to beat yourself up and refuse to let go of the things which hold you back from experiencing true peace from God.

    In this episode, Chris & Lanny explore the power of forgiving yourself and the freedom which comes from forgiveness.

    Join the conversation twice a month as we explore, explain, and encourage each other by discovering what the Bible has to say about our deepest struggles in faith.


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  • 08. Why is Forgiveness so Hard?

    There are days when we say, "I know I need to forgive and it's the right things to do" but stop just shy of forgiving. Why do we struggle with forgiveness? Why is forgiveness so hard?

    In this episode, Chris and Lanny discuss the struggle between needing to forgive and wanting to forgive and the freedom which comes from letting things go.

    Join us every other Tuesday as we explore, explain, and encourage each other by discovering what the Bible has to say about our deepest struggles in faith.

    Tweetable quotes from the episode:

    “We are not really human if we do not struggle with the idea of forgiveness.”- Lanny Smith

    Pride is an obstacle; it stops that beautiful flow of grace that comes from God to me and then comes out from me to the people in my world. Because God has opened up his hands and released our sin and goes to the cross with Christ so there's satisfaction for the sin." -Lanny Smith

    Bible References:

    Matthew 6:9-13

    Romans 12:1-3

    Leviticus 17

    Additional Resources:

    Town & Country Christian Church

    Town & Country Christian Church | Facebook

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  • 29. Bitter Sweet Announcement

    In this episode, Chris & MJ share their heart and relay their gratitude and appreciation for their listeners as they announce a transition to start a new podcast.

    After much prayer and consideration, Chris & MJ have decided to close the book on the In The Trenches podcast will be launching a brand new podcast called Surviving Chaos.

    Many thanks for our listeners over the last several months. We look forward to this next adventure and hope you will join us in this new endeavor.

    -Chris & MJ

    Follow us on Facebook- Surviving Chaos or check out our website at www.survivingchaos22.com

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  • 07. Forgiveness & Faith Collide

    Forgiveness is not something that comes easy. Forgiveness is either never given or too freely expressed. But as Christians we are faces with the tough question of “how do I respond when the need for forgiveness and my faith collide?” That’s the faith question for this episode.

    In this episode, Chris and Lanny dissect the need for forgiveness by looking at forgiveness from God’s point of view to release the power sincere forgiveness can have in our lives.

    Join us every other Tuesday as we explore, explain, and encourage each other by discovering what the Bible has to say about our deepest struggles in faith.

    Tweetable quotes from the episode:

    Holiness is beautiful; brokenness is meaningful.”- Lanny Smith

    Forgiveness means that with a sincere heart, we cancel our offender’s debt against us. It is a personal decision that necessitates surrendering our bitterness and rage in an act of trusting in God.” – Lori Schumaker

    It takes two to reconcile but it only takes one to forgive.”-Lanny Smith

    Bible References:

    Matthew 18:21-35 NLT - Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor - Bible Gateway

    Matthew 6:5-15 NLT - Teaching about Prayer and Fasting - Bible Gateway

    Romans 12:17-19 NLT - Never pay back evil with more evil. Do - Bible Gateway

    Psalm 103:12 NLT - He has removed our sins as far from us - Bible Gateway

     Luke 17:3-4 NLT - So watch yourselves! “If another - Bible Gateway

    Luke 23:34-35 NLT - Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, - Bible Gateway

    Additional Resources:

    Town & Country Christian Church

    Town & Country Christian Church | Facebook

    The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

    I’m Still Learning to Forgive by Corrie Ten Boom

    10Important Questions Answered About the Power of Forgiveness in the Bible by Lori Schumaker | Crossmap Blogs

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  • 28. Sickness & In Health

    What is a vow? Is it a never promise or contractual agreement? What happens when the vows become too hard to keep?

    In this episode, Chris & MJ revisit their wedding vows and discuss the value of commitment.

    Join the conversation every Monday as we share insight into raising children, building a stronger marriage, and thriving in ministry.

    Visit our website at www.inthetrenches.blog











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  • 27. The G.O.A.T

    IRecently I had the opportunity to speak at Wesleyan Christian School for their Jr/Sr High Chapel service. It was a blessing and a privilege to bring the message

    Message notes.

    The Greatest Of All Time

    Text: Philippians 3:4-13

    Word association:

    - Candy Bar- Reese’s Peanut butter cups/ payday

    -Pizza Chain- Cici’s Pizza

    - Soda/Pop/ Carbinated 

    Beverage- Ginger Ale/ Root beer

    -Mathmatician- Elbert Einstein

    Scientists are still working off his theories from almost 100 years ago

    -Basketball player- Michael Jordan

    His records for scoring and championships are still unmatched when you consider his age and the amount of time he spent in the NBA

    -Boxer- Muhammad Ali 

    Self proclaimed “I am the Greatest” and he proved that in his prime he was one of the best boxers of his day

    -Paul- Apostle

    Attributed to writing 2/3 of the New Testament 

    Philippians 3:4-6 we see him lay out this amazing resume of success. All the reasons why he is the ultimate Pharisee and follower of God. Why he is the GOAT. 

    • If someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless.”
    • ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:4-6‬ ‭NIV‬

    Quite a resume. Then he says this in verse 7. 

    • “But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.”
    • ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:7‬ ‭NIV‬

    Why does he say this? Is he tired of other people puffing him up? Does he not like the limelight? Does he not want to be famous? Are his actions of self-denial some part of his own righteousness? No, he found something greater than anything this life could offer. 

    • “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ”
    • ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    Anything this world has to offer is complete garbage compared to what he gains by being associated with and following Jesus. 

    Study moment:

    • I consider them garbage 
    • Garbage- general Greek word to mean rubbish, dung, and waste
    • Only appears once in the Bible…in this verse
    • Why use this word?
    • Paul is trying to get us to understand that whatever we want to lift up as important is waste compared to having a relationship with Jesus. 
    • And not just a relationship where we say we follow Jesus, but a relationship where we are willing to throw everything else away so Jesus can be exalted in our lives. 

    Back to the scripture

    • “and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.”
    • ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    • Do we love Jesus more than everything else in this world we hold dear? Does our life reflect that love for Jesus? Would the world know we were followers of Jesus based on the things we pursue?

    One bit of scripture that isn’t taught enough is what’s called the “Shema”. It comes from Deuteronomy 6. Every Israelite  little boy by the time he was 5 would be able to resite this:

    Hear oh Israel, the Lord is God the lord is one. Love the Lord with all your heart with all your mind and with all your soul. 

    When we love God like this, there is nothing left out of balance. Every bit of us is living for God. We are no longer a divided follower. All loyalty is focused on the creator of the universe. 

    Paul’s confession

    • Paul had it all. Power, fame,...
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  • 06. Overcoming Anxiety

    Jesus said, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed" you can do amazing things for the kingdom of God. But what happens when we anxiety controls our lives? How do we leverage the faith we have to overcome the anxiety that steals our joy?

    In this episode, Chris & Lanny are joined by Shawn Alyea of Christian Practices, LLC, as they discuss the intersection between faith and anxiety; providing insight, wisdom, and practical ways to overcome anxiety in our lives.

    Join us every other Tuesday as we explore, explain, and encourage each other by discovering what the Bible has to say about our deepest struggles in faith.

    You can listen to this podcast on Apple podcast, Spotify, or your favorite streaming service.

    Hit the like button, leave us a comment and rating, and share with your friends.

    Hit the subscribe bell so you won't miss a single episode.

    For more tools and resources, check out our website at www.tcccfamily.org or follow us on Facebook- TCCCFamily

    For more information about Shawn Alyea, Christian Practices, LLC, or the Jesus Exhibit follow the links below.

    Christian Practices: Christian Practices, LLC – A Counseling Service (christianpracticesllc.com), Christian Practices, LLC | Facebook

    The Jesus Exhibit: The Jesus Exhibit | Facebook

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  • 26. Creating a Memory Base

    What is the greatest gift you have ever been given? How did that gift impact your life? Are we giving gifts to our children which will be remembered and impactful to their lives?

    In this episode, Chris & MJ discuss the power of meaningful gifts and the impact they make on who your children become.

    Join the conversation every Monday as we share insight into raising children, building a stronger marriage, and thriving in ministry.

    Visit our website at www.inthetrenches.blog










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