• 260 Reducing Distractions From Your God Calling

    Reducing distractions is important if you have a God calling. The enemy wants nothing more than for you to waste your days distracted from what God is leading you to do. Today’s episode is all about reducing distractions and staying diligent to move forward in what God has lead you to do.

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    29 分
  • 259: Keeping An Eternal Perspective In Business and Life
    Keeping an eternal perspective helps us face the challenges of life because it reminds us that this life is temporary and this is not our home. We are only here for a little while so let’s not get so caught up in the things that won’t matter in the end. Keeping an eternal perspective will also help us overcome our fears and not let our fears stop us when we remember it’s all temporary anyway. There is nothing to be so afraid of other than not doing what we are here to do!
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    35 分
  • 258: God Promises All Things Work Together For His People

    God promises that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. This is an amazing promise to remember even when we face adversity and challenges. God is bigger than our challenges and He has a plan in all of it. Today goes deeper on this promise and how to live accordingly

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    38 分
  • 257: When God Becomes the Source of Your Joy and Peace
    When God Becomes the Source of Your Joy and Peace you have complete and total freedom. You no longer need certain outcomes or answered prayers to have joy and peace, You no longer have the pain of the ups and downs of having your joy in circumstances and outcomes. The joy of the Lord is something nobody and nothing can take from you once you have it. But the only way to truly experience it is to walk through the not having certain prayers answered and surrendering your desire to God, trusting Him through that and experiencing HIS peace and joy in the face of it. When you get everything you ever wanted in this world you never get to experience the gift of having God be your everything and having God be the true source of your joy and peace. That is the gift that comes from full and complete surrender of the outcome to God. Any blessings from Him and answered prayers from Him all become a bonus in life, but you’re free from needing anything to give you joy and peace when God is truly your source for that. Today we cover how to get to that place and how to experience HIs true freedom.
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    47 分
  • 256: Using Our Time Wisely As Women In Business

    Using our time wisely as women in business is so important. We must ensure first of all that we don’t let the business conflict with our top priorities and roles in life and secondly we must make sure we focus on income producing activities when we do work on the business so that we see progress and growth from our focused effort.

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    28 分
  • 255: 7 Lessons From a Challenging Season In Life and Business

    Here are 7 lessons from a challenging season in life and business. I hope they encourage you on your journey as an entrepreneur and help you get back up when you fall down.

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    49 分
  • 254: 2 Steps to Help Women In Business Have More Fun and Enjoy the Entrepreneurial Journey

    2 steps to help women in business have fun and enjoy the entrepreneurial journey. If we don’t enjoy the journey we are missing out on all the joy God has for us in our business calling. And when we don’t operate in our feminine design as women we burn ourselves out and wonder why we don’t feel inspired in business. Today will help you have more fun and get more results while you enjoy the journey as a women in business

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    17 分
  • 253: 3 Steps to Identify and Respond to a God Given Assignment In Business

    3 Steps to identify and respond to a God given assignment in business requires that you recognize it as a God calling, respond to the assignment and also recognize when that assignment is over and you are called to the next one. Today we cover all 3 steps and how to know the difference between and God calling and something else.

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    23 分