Coming soon! Fanfiction Theatre in podcast form! Since 2020, we've been streaming the show on Twitch; since 2022, we've been putting edited videos on YouTube; now, Tristan has reworked the show for a new medium, including lavish sound design and music to accentuate key moments. We read fanfiction, provide voice acting, and crack jokes, and we invite you to join us on our descent into madness as we delve into such topics as Marvel's Venom and Frozen's Elsa falling in love, Reba being Left Behind after the rapture, the cast of Dance Dance Revolution fighting terrorism, Sonic the Hedgehog learning what it takes to be a prince, and, hey, wouldn't Super Mario be a more interesting character if he struggled with PTSD from his adventures?
Fanfiction Theatre performs stories of various lengths, and this podcast will feature several long-form works that give us plenty of time to fall in love with the characters (and our interpretations of them) and get invested in the ridiculous plots they live out. And, of course, we would be remiss if we did not lampoon my own Star Wars fic from junior high. We even read some AI-generated stories, which provide fascinating insight into what robots think Tamagotchi think about (haircuts and their Twitter follower-count). All this and more awaits you, dear listener, on the original, the one, the only, Fanfiction Theatre!
Music used in this trailer is "Someone Else's Memories" by Revolution Void, via the Free Music Archive: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Revolution_Void/The_Politics_of_Desire