Prancers Farm is a locally owned and family operated farm in Santa Paula, California. Today we welcome Mario, Vanessa, Beto, and Ray to the podcast to discuss a new partnership. We are exploring the ways in which breweries and farms can come together to benefit both businesses as well as the community. In Episode 8 we discuss how we plan to combine our expertise and create a long lasting partnership.
Breweries use tons of barley annually. Instead of discarding the spent grain, Red Engine Brewing Company will be partnering with Prancers Farm to up-cycle the grain to feed local livestock. In return we will be able to offer our customers a "farm to table" type of experience where the food that they are consuming was grown less than 5 miles away. We feel that this type of relationship and sourcing of produce will maintain a high level of freshness and flavor.
As this relationship "grows" we are proud to assist Ventura County programs such as 4H and Grange. We are both excited to see what the future holds while maximizing uses of our byproducts and reducing waste.