In this episode we delve into the topic of fast fashion, its origins and its problems! We'll cover everything from fashion bloggers to garment workers in an effort to get a good understanding of this topic. I hope you enjoy and feel free to message me with any thoughts on the episode.
Thank you for listening!
Contact me with suggestions for future episodes or just to chat at:
@climatebreakdowns.pod and @caitlinbreen_ on instagram
Or email me at caitlin.breen@gmail.com
Sources for this episode are:
Backs, Sabrina, Hermann Jahnke, Lars Lüpke, Mareike Stücken, and Christian Stummer. 2020. 'Traditional versus fast fashion supply chains in the apparel industry: an agent-based simulation approach', Annals of Operations Research, 305: 487-512.
Bick, R., E. Halsey, and C. C. Ekenga. 2018. 'The global environmental injustice of fast fashion', Environ Health, 17: 92.
Camargo, Lucas Ramos, Susana Carla Farias Pereira, and Marcia Regina Santiago Scarpin. 2020. 'Fast and ultra-fast fashion supply chain management: an exploratory research', International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48: 537-53.
Horton, Kathleen. 2019. 'Just Use What You Have: Ethical Fashion Discourse and the Feminisation of Responsibility', Australian Feminist Studies, 33: 515-29.