Today's episode focuses on the recent Covenant School mass shooting in Nashville, Tennessee and the misinformation campaign focusing on the shooter's transgender identity, instead of focusing on how he legally came into possession of the real causes of the shooting and how he obtained an AR-15 military-style rifle, a 9 mm Kel-Tec SUB2000 pistol caliber carbine, and a 9 mm Smith and Wesson M&P Shield EZ 2.0 handgun .
Always demand proof and consider the source whenever the Wizards of Oz make outlandish claims that are not verified. If you need help, ask your local public librarian for credible sources. Make sure to sign and share my petition to petition on www.Change.org/OneCentTax to create a comprehensive, independent, and non-partisan scholarly study to prevent future acts of gun violence in schools.
Your support is always greatly appreciated. Together, we can transform schools into a safe place for children and educators without politics. This is about Americans coming together to save lives. We are one nation!