In this episode of the "Finance" podcast, Ujas departs from the usual financial discourse and journeys into an enchanting tale of a special fox named Luna, who lives in a mystical forest known as The Dreamy Forest. Unlike the average fox, Luna has the ability to understand the whispers of the cosmos. One night, driven by curiosity and consciousness, Luna embarks on a magical adventure, wherein she comes across an unknown path that leads her to a shimmering river and a silver swan. This swan takes Luna on a thrilling flight amongst the stars, where she receives a profound message about following her heart. Ultimately, Luna's adventures filled her dreams with magic and wisdom. This episode, despite its fantastical narrative departure from the podcast's normal theme, brilliantly conveys the importance of curiosity, bravery, and the intuition of one's heart, reminiscent of the brave decisions one makes in the world of finance.