Fr. Nathan discusses the work of Lisa Smartt, a linguist, educator, and poet. She is the author of Words at the Threshold: What We Say When We’re Nearing Death. Lisa collaborated with Dr. Raymond Moody to research final words that not only painted a world unseen but also featured language patterns unique to the end of life.
Lisa Smartt, MA, is a linguist, educator, and poet. She is the author of Words at the Threshold: What We Say When We’re Nearing Death (New World Library 2017). The book is based on data collected through The Final Words Project, wwwfinalwordsproject.org, an ongoing study devoted to gathering and interpreting the mysterious language at end of life. She has worked closely with Raymond Moody, guided by his research into language, particularly unintelligible speech. They have co-facilitated presentations about language and consciousness at universities, hospices and conferences.
Connect with Lisa Smartt:
Email: Smarttcoaching@gmail.com
Words at the Threshold: What We Say When We’re Nearing Death available on Amazon: https://a.co/d/auZfixc
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