Costello Darling identifies as a maker more than an artist and sees the ways things COULD be done. and questions the way 'Most People' do things is often unknown to him. They make things that he wants personally and that 'Most People' don't seem to know to want yet (because they don't exist) like a ukulele with the size and strings of a guitar. ** They make more traditional art around the given audience of a moment with the experience made as a reflection of that interaction. His focus is on performance art, and temporal art for the moment, about sharing experiences across many senses are some of the many ways he makes. Fashion: Man in layered skirts look/ DIY sleeves for listeners
Projects have included: * Food: DIY braised meat / DIY Mandala cake, * Burning Man Porta Pottie Beacons : Art FAIL, * Human Powered Trebuchet. * Burning Teeter Totter called The Hotter Totter, * Mask making before the CDC figured out airborne disease is spread through coughing,* Snow angel / Snow arm, *information tables in public spaces, and more.
In this episode, Costello and I explore expectations of what elements of daily life CAN be art, what role whimsy plays in making things, and tailoring art to the perceptions of the audience, the time, and place in which one finds it, why we do it, what's important when you're your own audience, and what is the art of the moment.
Costello Darling can be found on YouTube.com/CostelloReflections, and
Facebook/ social media platforms, and anywhere they happen to be.
Special thanks to Richard Mandel for intro music.
Intro Music, Irish Trad tune: The Micky Dam- guitar instrumental by Richard Mandel
of Three Mile Stone, and the Jammy Dodgers, https://thejammydodgers.com/Richard_Mandel.html with Permission for MixedMedia Talks