
  • Emily Chanel - She's A Triple That

    I was really impressed by my guest Emily Chanel, yeah she is beautiful, smart with a fitness model body, but she had so much more to offer. She’s a mom of 2, a Navy Veteran and is a practicing Clinical Phycologist. But wait there’s more she’s a jujitsu black belt and yet the sweetest person you will ever meet.

    We talked about everything from competing in the first ever NPC Fit Model category at the FIT EXPO LA Jan. 2025 and the challenges of balancing workouts, work, family and her significant other and how the gym plays a huge part in making her complete and able to give to all the areas of her life. You will learn so much and if you’re a mom you will be charged up and inspired and even if you’re not a mom, you will realize you need to do more.

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    53 分
  • Kyron Holden – IFBB Pro and 7 X Mr. Olympia competitor and Yoga Instructor - There’s Levels to this shit!

    Wow what an episode! Kyron embodies everything the new direction of the Fitness Junkeez podcast is all about. We talk about body building, spirituality, shadow work, relationships and how you can bring so much more into to achieving your goals in fitness and in life by tapping into the light of the creator.

    Kyron, now a certified yoga instructor, breaks it down from his morning practice to how his spirituality shows up in his competitive endeavors and relationships. There was so much synergy between us you will be able to feel the energy through the screen. I say it at the beginning of each episode “I hope this show meets you in good health and spirits and if not, I hope it inspires you to do something about it.” This is a must watch show.

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    50 分
  • Meeting You Where You Are with Teresa Collier

    Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Fitness Junkeez Podcast! This week, we sit down with Teresa Collie, a holistic health practitioner and personal trainer who takes a unique approach to fitness and wellness. Teresa believes in meeting her clients exactly where they are—both physically and spiritually—to create personalized plans that help them achieve their fitness and life goals.

    As our host always says, "I hope this episode meets you in good health and spirits and if not I hope it inspires you to do something about it.” This episode will surely do that.

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    45 分
  • IFBB Pro Bikini Olympian Ashlyn tells all about getting to the top.

    What does it take for a former cheerleader to develop one of best bikini bodybuilding bodies in the world? In 3 words unparalleled determination and discipline. I grabbed Ashlyn off the Mr. Olympia 60th anniversary stage and she give us some top-level advice on what's important to reach number 6 in the world at the Olympia.

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    55 分
  • IFBB Pro Julia Rene - Know Your Power

    This guest was such a pleasant surprise. She is so polished and knowledgeable about fitness, bodybuilding and mastering the mental and emotional game that is so important when trying to reach new levels with your fitness whether you're a house wife or a bodybuilder. A must watch for males or females.

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    36 分
  • World According To Gioslogic

    Its that time again Fit Fam. Every 10 or so episodes I do a podcast featuring some of my favorite clips and give my opinions about the topic or the guest. Most shows its all about the guest. Now you get the opportunity to hear how I feel about a topic. Its fun and I think you will enjoy it.

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    1 時間
  • Rhyan "The Black Diamond" Clark - QUALIFIED Mr. Olympia '24

    It's so cool to see a past podcast guest, IFBB Pro competitor level up and achieve their dreams. Well, Rhyan did it right before our eyes with hard work and 100% dedication to his dream of competing on the Mr. Olympia stage. Rhyan talks about is journey and his introspection into his true level of commitment to being one of the best in the world. Mr. Olympia, Men's Physique has only been part of the BIG SHOW since 2013, so making it to the Olympia stage in this division puts him in the top 1 or 2 % physiques in the world. That’s right, in the 10 years this division has been around only approximately 500 other humans have donned the stage in this division, which is a huge accomplishment, but Rhyan is not done. He has realistic goals for his first time in the show, but he believes he will be back again and again and his time will come. Get ready to get inspired and to maybe moved to check yourself on the efforts you put into the goals in your life.

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    1 時間 4 分
  • Kimber Bonilla, IFBB Pro Bikini competitor and prep/posing coach with Team Elite Physique.

    Meet Kimber Bonilla, IFBB Pro Bikini competitor and pre/posing coach with Team Elite Physique. I reference her as the better half of her and her husband in jest because I think so highly of Adam Bonilla, one of the best if not the best bikini bodybuilding prep-coaches in the world. Kimber talked about her competition goals and helping other women navigate the rollercoaster that is competitive bodybuilding. I also get her to talk about the unique position of having a husband and coach being the same guy and the same coach of the GOAT of bikini bodybuilding, Ashley Kaltwasser. Ladies, you will learn so much from watching this episode.

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    1 時間 3 分