Part one is episode 499! LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR!!!! I Ain't got NO BONE TO PICK with anyone, and I ain't GOT NO BURR IN MY SADDLE!! (This is all Texan slang...GOOGLE IT if you don't get my point!) BUT----- I ain't the one slinging the mud! I'm responding to the mud that is being slung! Case in point, as I go to finalize this podcast on February 12, 2025, while at the gym this morning, I'm working out on a recumbent bike, watching a walking tour of Capri on my iPhone. Right in front of me, high on the wall, is a bank of TVs, tuned to various channels. The one right in front of me is playing a commercial by John Rich, outspoken conservative Christian, advertising his new branded 40 proof whiskey. I think the setting for the commercial is actually a bar in his house that is huge! Appears to be two story in ceiling height. Then, as I go to pull up music on my phone as I leave the gym, there is a new podcast being promoted on YouTube called "The Cussin' Christians." My friend, the earthly church has gone mad. While God has given us a major reprieve from outlandish evil, the earthly church is dancing with the Devil...Then the church is audaciously shocked at the corruption in the culture. My friend, I stand on solid ground to declare that Christ AND the world DEMANDS difference....
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The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?
The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!
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Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)
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