FluentFiction - Slovenian

著者: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
Copyright FluentFiction.org
  • Love and Choices Beneath Ljubljana's Winter Glow
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Love and Choices Beneath Ljubljana's Winter Glow Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-14-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Miha je korakal po zasneženem Prešernovem trgu.En: Miha was walking through the snowy Prešernov trg.Sl: Bilo je mrzlo februarsko popoldne, le nekaj dni pred valentinovim.En: It was a cold February afternoon, just a few days before Valentine's Day.Sl: V zraku je dišalo po kuhanem vinu in sveže pečenem pecivu, ki so ga prodajali na zimskem sejmu.En: The air smelled of mulled wine and freshly baked goods sold at the winter fair.Sl: Lučke so svetile in obarvale trg v čarobne barve.En: Lights were shining and coloring the square in magical hues.Sl: Miha je imel veliko na umu.En: Miha had a lot on his mind.Sl: Ravno je prejel ponudbo za službo v tujini.En: He had just received a job offer abroad.Sl: To je bila priložnost, o kateri je sanjal.En: It was an opportunity he had dreamed of.Sl: A hkrati se je bal, kako bo to vplivalo na njegove odnose, še posebej z Nino.En: But at the same time, he was afraid of how it would affect his relationships, especially with Nina.Sl: Miha je z Nino zmenjen ob štirih.En: Miha was meeting Nina at four o'clock.Sl: Prihaja.En: She was approaching.Sl: Njeni rjavi lasje rahlo padajo čez ramena, s topel nasmeh na obrazu.En: Her brown hair fell gently over her shoulders, with a warm smile on her face.Sl: Miha čuti mešanico veselja in nervoze.En: Miha felt a mix of joy and nervousness.Sl: "Pozdravljen, Miha," ga pozdravi.En: "Hello, Miha," she greeted him.Sl: "Ljubljana je tako čudovita pozimi, se ti ne zdi?"En: "Isn't Ljubljana so beautiful in winter?"Sl: "Zdravo, Nina," se nasmehne.En: "Hello, Nina," he smiled.Sl: "Pridem sem vedno, ko rabim malo razmisliti."En: "I come here whenever I need to think a bit."Sl: Pokazal je na kip Franceta Prešerna in si oddrgnil sneg z ramen.En: He pointed to the statue of France Prešeren and brushed the snow off his shoulders.Sl: "Se dogaja kaj posebnega?" vpraša z rahlo rdečico na licih.En: "Is something special happening?" she asked, with a slight blush on her cheeks.Sl: Ima skrivnost, ki jo želi deliti, a ne ve, kako začeti.En: She had a secret she wanted to share but didn’t know how to start.Sl: Zbere pogum.En: She gathered courage.Sl: "Miha, morala bi ti nekaj povedati..." odloži glas.En: "Miha, I need to tell you something..." she paused.Sl: Prav takrat Miha povzame pogum, da bi razkril svoje velike novice.En: Just then, Miha gathered the courage to reveal his big news.Sl: Prekriža svojo pot z njenim trenutkom in omeni:En: He crossed paths with her moment and mentioned,Sl: "Nina, dobil sem službo. V tujini. Selim se..."En: "Nina, I got a job. Abroad. I'm moving..."Sl: Oba obstaneta, presenečena nad nenadnim razkritjem.En: Both stopped, surprised by the sudden revelations.Sl: Njuni skrivnosti sta se razkrili hkrati.En: Their secrets had been unveiled simultaneously.Sl: Miha opazi spremembo na Nininem obrazu in srce mu trepeta.En: Miha noticed the change on Nina's face and his heart fluttered.Sl: "Kaj pa ti si želela povedati?" vpraša previdno.En: "What did you want to say?" he asked cautiously.Sl: Nina globoko vdihne.En: Nina took a deep breath.Sl: Na valu čustev priznava:En: Riding a wave of emotions, she confessed,Sl: "Že dolgo te občudujem, Miha. Imam te rada."En: "I've admired you for a long time, Miha. I love you."Sl: Tišina.En: Silence.Sl: Ljudje okoli se smejejo, klepetajo, potiskajo mimo s šali, ovitimi okoli vratu.En: People around them laughed, chatted, and pushed past with scarves wrapped around their necks.Sl: Miha tiho stoji in obdeluje Ninine besede.En: Miha stood quietly, processing Nina's words.Sl: Potem, počasi, odgovori:En: Then, slowly, he replied,Sl: "Tudi jaz te imam rad, Nina.En: "I love you too, Nina.Sl: Nisem vedel, kako globoko, do zdaj."En: I didn't realize how deeply, until now."Sl: Oba se nasmehneta, nežno zadržita drug drugega za roke.En: They both smiled and gently held each other's hands.Sl: Snežinke nežno plavajo z neba, ustvarjajoč svetlo belino pod stopali.En: Snowflakes floated softly from the sky, creating a bright whiteness underfoot.Sl: Po začetnem šoku si vzameta trenutek, da premislita.En: After the initial shock, they took a moment to think.Sl: Odločita se za iskren pogovor o prihodnosti in občutkih.En: They decided to have an honest conversation about the future and their feelings.Sl: Miha razmišlja, da bi kljub ponudbi morda ostal, če odnos z Nino pomeni več, kot si je predstavljal.En: Miha considered staying despite the job offer if the relationship with Nina meant more than he had imagined.Sl: Nina dobi samozavest, da izrazi svoje želje ter začne verjeti v svojo moč in pogum.En: Nina gained the confidence to express her desires and began to believe in her strength and courage.Sl: Na koncu, oba sta se odločila za skok v neznano.En: In the end...
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    18 分
  • Finding Fashion: A Winter Tale of Warmth and Style
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Fashion: A Winter Tale of Warmth and Style Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-14-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Bilo je hladno zimsko jutro v modernem predmestju.En: It was a cold winter morning in the modern suburb.Sl: Ulice so bile okrašene s svetlečimi novoletnimi okraski in ljudje so hiteli po nakupovanje v toplih zimskih oblačilih.En: The streets were decorated with shimmering New Year decorations, and people were rushing for shopping in warm winter clothing.Sl: Anže in Tjaša sta hodila proti priljubljeni trgovini z oblačili.En: Anže and Tjaša were walking towards a popular clothing store.Sl: Vsak je imel svoj cilj.En: Each had their own goal.Sl: Anže je želel najti topel, trpežen zimski plašč, ki bi bil v okviru njegovega proračuna.En: Anže wanted to find a warm, durable winter coat that would fit within his budget.Sl: Tjaša pa je želela, da Anže izbere plašč, ki bo tudi moden.En: Tjaša wanted Anže to choose a coat that would also be fashionable.Sl: Ko sta stopila v trgovino, je bila gneča.En: When they entered the store, it was crowded.Sl: Povsod so bile napisane reklame za popuste.En: Advertisements for discounts were written everywhere.Sl: "Poglej tole!En: "Look at this!"Sl: " je rekla Tjaša, ko je opazila elegantne plašče na razprodaji.En: said Tjaša, when she noticed the elegant coats on sale.Sl: Anže jih je ogledoval z zanimanjem, vendar so mu cene dale mislit.En: Anže examined them with interest, but the prices made him think.Sl: "Morda bo ta topel," je rekel Anže, medtem ko je preverjal material in etiketo.En: "Maybe this one is warm," said Anže, as he checked the material and the label.Sl: "Kaj pa tale?En: "What about this one?"Sl: " je vprašala Tjaša in pokazala na plašč, ki je bil veliko bolj moderen.En: Tjaša asked, pointing to a much more modern coat.Sl: Bil je svetlo modre barve, kar je bilo trenutno zelo trendovsko.En: It was light blue, which was very trendy at the moment.Sl: Anže je pokimal, vendar je bil skeptičen.En: Anže nodded, but was skeptical.Sl: "Ne izgleda najbolj topel," je dejal.En: "It doesn't look the warmest," he said.Sl: Iskala sta naprej, ko sta naletela na plašč, ki je bil točno to, kar je Anže iskal.En: They continued searching until they came across a coat that was exactly what Anže was looking for.Sl: Bil je črn, z debelim materialom in podlogo, ki je obetala toplino tudi v najhujšem mrazu.En: It was black, with thick material and lining that promised warmth even in the worst cold.Sl: Vendar je bil mali problem – cena je bila malo nad Anžetovim načrtovanim proračunom.En: However, there was a small problem – the price was slightly above Anže's planned budget.Sl: "Kaj misliš?En: "What do you think?"Sl: " je vprašala Tjaša.En: asked Tjaša.Sl: "Vreden je vsakega centa.En: "It's worth every cent."Sl: "Anže je okleval, nato pa pomislil, kako pomembna je toplota.En: Anže hesitated, then thought about how important warmth is.Sl: Tjaša ga je spodbujala: "Včasih je vredno plačati malo več za udobje in stil.En: Tjaša encouraged him: "Sometimes it's worth paying a little more for comfort and style."Sl: "Končno se je odločil.En: He finally decided.Sl: "V redu," je rekel s smehom.En: "Alright," he said with a laugh.Sl: "Vzamem ga.En: "I'll take it.Sl: Ne bo mi žal.En: I won't regret it."Sl: "Ko sta izstopila iz trgovine, sta bila oba zadovoljna.En: As they left the store, both were satisfied.Sl: Anže je imel topel, trpežen in stilno trendovski plašč, Tjaša pa je bila vesela, da je pomagala prijatelju izbrati nekaj modernega.En: Anže had a warm, durable, and stylistically trendy coat, and Tjaša was happy that she helped her friend choose something modern.Sl: Ko sta hodila po ulici, obkrožena z veselem prazničnim vrvežem, sta vedela, da sta oba našla popolno ravnovesje med praktičnostjo in stilom.En: As they walked down the street, surrounded by the cheerful holiday bustle, they knew they had both found the perfect balance between practicality and style. Vocabulary Words:suburb: predmestjeshimmering: svetlečimidecorations: okraskirushing: hitelidurable: trpeženbudget: proračunacrowded: gnečaadvertisements: reklamediscounts: popusteelegant: elegantneexamine: ogledovalmaterial: materiallabel: etiketotrendy: trendovskoskeptical: skeptičenlining: podlogoslightly: malohesitated: oklevalcomfort: udobjeregret: žalbustle: vrvežempracticality: praktičnostwarmth: toplinaencouraged: spodbujalabalanced: ravnovesjeplanned: načrtovanimgoal: ciljexamined: preverjalproblem: problemworth: vreden
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    14 分
  • From Shadows to Success: Luka's Winter Challenge
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Shadows to Success: Luka's Winter Challenge Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-13-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski veter je tulil skozi špranje in zatresel okna v študentskem naselju.En: The winter wind howled through the cracks and rattled the windows in the student dormitory.Sl: Luka je sedel ob svoji mizi, zavit v debele volnene odeje, in strmel v gore gradiva.En: Luka sat at his desk, wrapped in thick woolen blankets, staring at piles of study materials.Sl: Njegov zvezek je bil komaj osvetljen s svetlobo skromne sveče.En: His notebook was scarcely illuminated by the light of a modest candle.Sl: Njegovo srce je bilo nemirno, saj ga je čakala pomembna zimska izpitna naloga.En: His heart was restless as an important winter exam awaited him.Sl: Luka je vedno bil zavzet študent.En: Luka had always been a dedicated student.Sl: Njegove ocene so mu prinesle štipendijo, ki mu je omogočala študij na odlični univerzi.En: His grades had earned him a scholarship, allowing him to study at a prestigious university.Sl: Medtem ko je bral zapiske, mu misli niso nehale brneti: Kaj če ne zmore?En: While he read through his notes, thoughts buzzed incessantly in his mind: What if he couldn't manage?Sl: Kaj če izgubi štipendijo zaradi slabega izpita?En: What if he lost his scholarship because of a poor exam?Sl: Nenadoma je mrk prekinilo trkanje na vratih.En: Suddenly, the dreariness was interrupted by a knock at the door.Sl: Bila sta Maja in Boris, njegova najboljša prijatelja.En: It was Maja and Boris, his best friends.Sl: V rokah sta držala lučke in nekaj toplih čajev.En: They held flashlights and some warm teas in their hands.Sl: "Luka, slišala sva za izpad elektrike," je rekla Maja, z nasmehom, ki je vedno deloval pomirjujoče.En: "Luka, we heard about the power outage," said Maja, her smile always having a calming effect.Sl: Luka je bil sprva okleval.En: Luka hesitated at first.Sl: "Nimam dovolj svetlobe," je rekel počasi, medtem ko je prestavil svečo bližje.En: "I don't have enough light," he said slowly, as he moved the candle closer.Sl: "Ne bom mogel študirati.En: "I won't be able to study."Sl: "Boris je stopil naprej, postavil na mizo še dve prenosni svetilki in rekel: "Pomagali ti bova.En: Boris stepped forward, placed two portable lamps on the table and said, "We'll help you.Sl: Skupaj bomo pregledali zapiske.En: We'll go through the notes together."Sl: " Maja je prikimala in potegnila stolek k mizi, pripravljena pomagati pri memoiranju.En: Maja nodded and pulled a chair closer to the table, ready to assist with memorization.Sl: Njihova skupinska vnema je razsvetlila sobo bolj kot katerakoli sveča.En: Their collective enthusiasm lit up the room more than any candle could.Sl: Luka je začutil nov val energije.En: Luka felt a new wave of energy.Sl: Medtem ko so skupaj pregledovali težke teme, se je počutil vse bolj samozavestno.En: As they reviewed the difficult topics together, he felt increasingly confident.Sl: Maja je delila svoje zapiske iz predavanja, Boris pa je sprožil vznemirljive debate, ki so Luki pomagale razumeti težavnejše pojme.En: Maja shared her lecture notes, and Boris sparked stimulating debates that helped Luka grasp more challenging concepts.Sl: Ura je hitro minila in noč je počasi popuščala zasneženemu jutru.En: The hours flew by, and the night slowly gave way to a snowy morning.Sl: Svetloba, zdaj naravna in mila, je pronicala skozi okna.En: The light, now natural and gentle, seeped through the windows.Sl: Luka je zaključil z učenjem in se prvič po dolgem času počutil pripravljenega na izpit.En: Luka finished studying and, for the first time in a long while, felt prepared for the exam.Sl: Naslednje jutro je z nasmehom na obrazu stopil v izpitno predavalnico.En: The next morning, with a smile on his face, he walked into the exam hall.Sl: Med reševanjem nalog je začutil mir, saj mu je prijateljstvo Maje in Borisa dalo novo prepričanje.En: As he tackled the exam questions, he felt a sense of peace, knowing that the friendship of Maja and Boris had given him new confidence.Sl: Luka je spoznal, da moč ni vedno v individualnosti, ampak v skupnosti in podpori.En: Luka realized that strength wasn't always found in individuality but in community and support.Sl: Na koncu se je Luka zavedal, da zmaga ni samo v odličnih ocenah, ampak tudi v prijateljstvih, ki ti stojijo ob strani.En: In the end, Luka understood that success was not only in achieving excellent grades but also in having friends who stand by you.Sl: Ko se je izpit končal, je Luka vedel, da so njegovi prijatelji del njegovega uspeha - tako kot svetloba tistega mrzlega zimskega večera, ko je bil skoraj pred obupom.En: When the exam ended, Luka knew that his friends were part of his success—just like the light on that cold winter evening when he was on the verge of despair. Vocabulary Words:...
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    15 分

FluentFiction - Slovenianに寄せられたリスナーの声
