
  • 716 Mark Chapter 13

    Sometimes this chapter is referred to as the "Markan Apocalypse". We need to pay attention to the first 2 verses to help us set the context for how to read this chapter. The image humanity has for "forever" is just not quite in line with the view God and His Son have. The mightiest stones will eventually pass away, but the words of Jesus Christ will not.

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  • 715 Mark Chapter 12

    Hopefully you are able to spend some time doing all the inductive study methods with his chapter, it is worth it! Here are the section titles laid out:

    1. parable of the tenets. cautionary tale
    2. taxes. pharisees/herodians
    3. resurrection sadducees
    4. greatest commandment. law
    5. Christ, son and Lord? prophecy and interpretation
    6. warning of idolatry. scribes
    7. widow's offering. encouraging tale

    Sadducees and Pharisees

    • S- strict interpretation
      • very literal
      • politically savvy and involved
      • Sanhedrin participant
      • reject ideas of unseen (heaven, hell, spiritual world)
    • P- oral interpretation
      • importance of tradition
      • over time interpretation is equal to the law
      • Sanhedrin participant
      • accepted ideas of unseen
    • Resources:
    • s vs p article: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/pharisees-sadducees-and-essenes

    Law of marrying your brother in law: Deuteronomy 25:5-6
    Blue Letter Bible Commentary: https://www.blueletterbible.org/comm/guzik_david/study-guide/mark/mark-12.cfm?a=969001
    my website: https://www.deborahjmckenzie.com/

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  • 714 Mark Chapter 11

    Jesus is going to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey to people shouting praises and waving palm branches. This is the last high point until the resurrection in chapter 16. Let's take note of the differences in responses that Jesus elicits in people.

    References of OT prophecy
    Malachi 3:1-3
    Zechariah 9:9

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  • 713 Mark Chapter 10

    Divorce, children, wealth, status, authority, Jesus is get to it all in this one chapter and it isn't what you expect. While some of these things can be difficult, the disciples didn't get it either at the time, it is worth talking about. We can confront these difficulties because God is big enough for it all and merciful throughout.

    Hopefully you are in or are seeking a body of believers to commune with. Scripture is a tool just like the church is. We all need a safe place to have spiritual direction and community. With God all things are possible so make sure those speaking into your life about divorce, wealth, status, legacy and children are followers of God.

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  • 712 Mark Chapter 9

    Happy New Year and Happy Holiday Season! The in-between is hard right? What day is it, what time is it, how are we out of food?! Any day is a good day to read a little scripture and spend some time with the Lord.

    Chapter 9! Things are starting to move at a quicker pace. Jesus is on His way to His death and resurrection. Instead of having senior-itis, He is getting things done.

    Transfiguration: a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state

    Link to Bonus Episode: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2045573/episodes/16337269-711-bonus-back-to-liturgy.mp3?download=true

    My website: https://www.deborahjmckenzie.com/

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  • 711 Bonus - Back to Liturgy

    As we dive into the holiday season, prepare for the new year, and take a break from the book of Mark, I want to talk about liturgy. If you have no idea what I mean, please take a listen. If your only experience with liturgy is that it is old and irrelevant words, please take a listen. I adore liturgy and have found it to be a consistent source of hope and renewal.

    Gallup Poll:

    Here are some resources:
    Lord's Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13
    Article on Liturgy: https://www.faithandworship.com/liturgy.htm#gsc.tab=0
    Source for daily and occasional prayers: https://commonprayer.net/
    Physical book with common prayers: https://www.amazon.com/Book-Common-Prayer-Penguin-Classics/dp/0143106562/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1WHVT2N8Y19KQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WTfoETULMCufrEQooGVe4Q9YQhLuvBWIzad4B1x2_WUjHy30uc9Mqpu0W2YvBGcHmnLsYuNf-7PIghdWIC0AANf_LLOhSwxwujAkCaTJTFJT8TbZpuWQ-mAUva83rdvQCxwWs5WBPM-DnlTqaMHisOF4gDD05GdU2w9xCVs1xf06Nywx8zoP_iJIafeV_DcgSF3S2Whs6suFuGDZD8P9BBRel4m7ZhCyEN2v-P5Pehw._9yhlXp7BUXEqtoMw1XhQijwkVG3zfN7eec2YBJz2z8&dib_tag=se&keywords=liturgical+prayer+book&qid=1735082435&s=books&sprefix=liturgical+prayer+book%2Cstripbooks%2C136&sr=1-2

    my website: https://www.deborahjmckenzie.com/

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  • 710 Mark Chapter 8

    We are halfway through the book of Mark!

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  • 709 Mark Chapter 7

    Here is a review of Mark chapter 7. Remember to read the entire text first. It is too difficult to do a deep dive in these short episodes so it will help enormously if you have some familiarity with the text.

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