• From Books to Balance: Ivana's Wake-Up Call

  • 2025/01/13
  • 再生時間: 16 分
  • ポッドキャスト

From Books to Balance: Ivana's Wake-Up Call

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Books to Balance: Ivana's Wake-Up Call Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-13-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: U Spalatu, zimi, studentski domovi su bili puni života.En: In Spalatu, during winter, the student dormitories were full of life.Hr: Iako je vani bilo hladno, unutrašnjost je bila topla, a prozori su nudili prekrasan pogled na Jadransko more.En: Even though it was cold outside, the interior was warm, and the windows offered a breathtaking view of the Adriatic Sea.Hr: Ivana i Miro dijelili su sobu u jednom od tih domova, smještenom blizu centra.En: Ivana and Miro shared a room in one of these dorms, located near the center.Hr: Ivana je bila predana učenju.En: Ivana was dedicated to studying.Hr: U svako doba dana, mogla se pronaći kako sjedi za stolom, okružena knjigama.En: At any time of day, she could be found sitting at her desk, surrounded by books.Hr: Miro, njen cimer, bio je suprotnost.En: Miro, her roommate, was the opposite.Hr: Volio je provoditi vrijeme u druženju s drugim studentima i sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima na kampusu.En: He loved spending time socializing with other students and participating in various activities on campus.Hr: Bližio se važan intervju za stipendiju koju je Ivana silno željela.En: An important interview for a scholarship that Ivana greatly desired was approaching.Hr: Svaki trenutak bio je posvećen pripremi.En: Every moment was dedicated to preparation.Hr: No, tog hladnog zimskog dana, nešto joj je poremetilo planove.En: However, on that cold winter day, something disrupted her plans.Hr: Dok je marljivo čitala, Ivana je počela osjećati svrab na koži.En: While she was studying diligently, Ivana began to feel an itch on her skin.Hr: Zanemarila je to i nastavila s učenjem.En: She ignored it and continued studying.Hr: Ali simptomi su postajali sve gori - crveni osip popeo joj se na ruke i lice.En: But the symptoms became worse—a red rash climbed up her arms and face.Hr: Disanje joj je postalo otežano.En: Her breathing became labored.Hr: Miro je primijetio kako se muči.En: Miro noticed her struggling.Hr: "Ivana, moraš napraviti pauzu", rekao je, zabrinutosti u glasu.En: "Ivana, you need to take a break," he said, concern in his voice.Hr: "Možda si razvila alergijsku reakciju.En: "You might have developed an allergic reaction."Hr: "Ivana je odmahivala glavom.En: Ivana shook her head.Hr: "Ne mogu sad, Miro.En: "I can't right now, Miro.Hr: Moram završiti pripreme za intervju.En: I need to finish my interview preparations."Hr: "Ali Miro nije popuštao.En: But Miro was persistent.Hr: "Zdravlje ti je važnije.En: "Your health is more important.Hr: Moramo ići do klinike.En: We need to go to the clinic."Hr: "S vremenom, Ivana je osjetila pravi strah.En: Eventually, Ivana felt a genuine fear.Hr: Njeni simptomi su postajali sve intenzivniji.En: Her symptoms were becoming more intense.Hr: U tom trenutku, shvatila je da nema izbora.En: At that moment, she realized she had no choice.Hr: Slažući se s Mirom, krenuli su prema kampus klinici.En: Agreeing with Miro, they headed to the campus clinic.Hr: U klinici, doktor je brzo reagirao.En: At the clinic, the doctor responded quickly.Hr: Ivana je primila potrebnu terapiju, a simptomi su počeli nestajati.En: Ivana received the necessary treatment, and the symptoms began to fade.Hr: Uz olakšanje, pogledala je Mira s novim uvažavanjem.En: With relief, she looked at Miro with newfound appreciation.Hr: "Sada shvaćam koliko je važno paziti na sebe", rekla je Ivana, zahvaljujući mu.En: "Now I understand how important it is to take care of myself," Ivana said, thanking him.Hr: "Hvala, Miro.En: "Thank you, Miro."Hr: "Taj događaj promijenio je njezin pogled.En: That event changed her perspective.Hr: Ivana je shvatila da ravnoteža između učenja i zdravlja nije samo nužna, već i korisna.En: Ivana realized that balancing studying and health is not only necessary but also beneficial.Hr: S vremenom je počela sudjelovati u više aktivnosti, ponekad se čak pridružujući Miri.En: Over time, she started participating in more activities, sometimes even joining Miro.Hr: Naučila je da studiranje i druženje mogu ići ruku pod ruku, a prošireni krug prijatelja obogatio je njen život.En: She learned that studying and socializing could go hand in hand, and an expanded circle of friends enriched her life.Hr: Dok su se vraćali u studentski dom, zvuk smijeha i mirisi kafića pratili su ih cijelim putem.En: As they returned to the student dorm, the sound of laughter and the smells of cafes followed them all the way.Hr: Ivana se sada smijala s Mirom, zahvalna što je imao pravo.En: Ivana was now laughing with Miro, grateful that he was right.Hr: Učenje je važno, ali ništa nije važnije od zdravlja i sretnih trenutaka koji dolaze s prijateljstvom.En: Studying is important, but nothing is more important than health and the...
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Books to Balance: Ivana's Wake-Up Call Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-13-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: U Spalatu, zimi, studentski domovi su bili puni života.En: In Spalatu, during winter, the student dormitories were full of life.Hr: Iako je vani bilo hladno, unutrašnjost je bila topla, a prozori su nudili prekrasan pogled na Jadransko more.En: Even though it was cold outside, the interior was warm, and the windows offered a breathtaking view of the Adriatic Sea.Hr: Ivana i Miro dijelili su sobu u jednom od tih domova, smještenom blizu centra.En: Ivana and Miro shared a room in one of these dorms, located near the center.Hr: Ivana je bila predana učenju.En: Ivana was dedicated to studying.Hr: U svako doba dana, mogla se pronaći kako sjedi za stolom, okružena knjigama.En: At any time of day, she could be found sitting at her desk, surrounded by books.Hr: Miro, njen cimer, bio je suprotnost.En: Miro, her roommate, was the opposite.Hr: Volio je provoditi vrijeme u druženju s drugim studentima i sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima na kampusu.En: He loved spending time socializing with other students and participating in various activities on campus.Hr: Bližio se važan intervju za stipendiju koju je Ivana silno željela.En: An important interview for a scholarship that Ivana greatly desired was approaching.Hr: Svaki trenutak bio je posvećen pripremi.En: Every moment was dedicated to preparation.Hr: No, tog hladnog zimskog dana, nešto joj je poremetilo planove.En: However, on that cold winter day, something disrupted her plans.Hr: Dok je marljivo čitala, Ivana je počela osjećati svrab na koži.En: While she was studying diligently, Ivana began to feel an itch on her skin.Hr: Zanemarila je to i nastavila s učenjem.En: She ignored it and continued studying.Hr: Ali simptomi su postajali sve gori - crveni osip popeo joj se na ruke i lice.En: But the symptoms became worse—a red rash climbed up her arms and face.Hr: Disanje joj je postalo otežano.En: Her breathing became labored.Hr: Miro je primijetio kako se muči.En: Miro noticed her struggling.Hr: "Ivana, moraš napraviti pauzu", rekao je, zabrinutosti u glasu.En: "Ivana, you need to take a break," he said, concern in his voice.Hr: "Možda si razvila alergijsku reakciju.En: "You might have developed an allergic reaction."Hr: "Ivana je odmahivala glavom.En: Ivana shook her head.Hr: "Ne mogu sad, Miro.En: "I can't right now, Miro.Hr: Moram završiti pripreme za intervju.En: I need to finish my interview preparations."Hr: "Ali Miro nije popuštao.En: But Miro was persistent.Hr: "Zdravlje ti je važnije.En: "Your health is more important.Hr: Moramo ići do klinike.En: We need to go to the clinic."Hr: "S vremenom, Ivana je osjetila pravi strah.En: Eventually, Ivana felt a genuine fear.Hr: Njeni simptomi su postajali sve intenzivniji.En: Her symptoms were becoming more intense.Hr: U tom trenutku, shvatila je da nema izbora.En: At that moment, she realized she had no choice.Hr: Slažući se s Mirom, krenuli su prema kampus klinici.En: Agreeing with Miro, they headed to the campus clinic.Hr: U klinici, doktor je brzo reagirao.En: At the clinic, the doctor responded quickly.Hr: Ivana je primila potrebnu terapiju, a simptomi su počeli nestajati.En: Ivana received the necessary treatment, and the symptoms began to fade.Hr: Uz olakšanje, pogledala je Mira s novim uvažavanjem.En: With relief, she looked at Miro with newfound appreciation.Hr: "Sada shvaćam koliko je važno paziti na sebe", rekla je Ivana, zahvaljujući mu.En: "Now I understand how important it is to take care of myself," Ivana said, thanking him.Hr: "Hvala, Miro.En: "Thank you, Miro."Hr: "Taj događaj promijenio je njezin pogled.En: That event changed her perspective.Hr: Ivana je shvatila da ravnoteža između učenja i zdravlja nije samo nužna, već i korisna.En: Ivana realized that balancing studying and health is not only necessary but also beneficial.Hr: S vremenom je počela sudjelovati u više aktivnosti, ponekad se čak pridružujući Miri.En: Over time, she started participating in more activities, sometimes even joining Miro.Hr: Naučila je da studiranje i druženje mogu ići ruku pod ruku, a prošireni krug prijatelja obogatio je njen život.En: She learned that studying and socializing could go hand in hand, and an expanded circle of friends enriched her life.Hr: Dok su se vraćali u studentski dom, zvuk smijeha i mirisi kafića pratili su ih cijelim putem.En: As they returned to the student dorm, the sound of laughter and the smells of cafes followed them all the way.Hr: Ivana se sada smijala s Mirom, zahvalna što je imao pravo.En: Ivana was now laughing with Miro, grateful that he was right.Hr: Učenje je važno, ali ništa nije važnije od zdravlja i sretnih trenutaka koji dolaze s prijateljstvom.En: Studying is important, but nothing is more important than health and the...

From Books to Balance: Ivana's Wake-Up Callに寄せられたリスナーの声
