#134: From Broadway to Healing: Journey Through Dystonia
What happens when a former Broadway dancer and Celine Dion backup performer finds his life turned upside down by a neurological disorder? In this inspiring episode of Finding the Unicorn in You, Dr. Jaime G. Raygoza welcomes Dale Allen-Rowse to share his incredible story of transformation.
- Dale's journey from the bright lights of the stage to the challenging world of real estate.
- How an incurable neurological movement disorder (dystonia) became the "best thing" that ever happened to him.
- The power of stillness, meditation, and energy work to heal and reclaim your life.
- Dale's journey to becoming a healer, coach, and author, even in the face of debilitating illness.
- How understanding manifesting and universal energy can help you take control of your mind and create the life you desire.
- Prepare to be moved by Dale's resilience, wisdom, and unique perspective on life, illness, and finding your true calling.
Tune in and unlock your own potential for healing and transformation!
Get connected with Dale:
- https://daleallenrowse.com/
- https://amazon.com/author/dale-allen-rowse
#Dystonia #NeurologicalDisorder #HealingJourney #EnergyWork #Manifesting #Broadway #RealEstate #Mindfulness #PersonalTransformation #FindingTheUnicornInYou #DaleAllenRowse