"Eschatological Discipleship." by Trevin Wax. The COVID-19, like all crises, is very good at exposing our belief systems. We have belief systems that we say we believe, but in times of difficulty we see what we believe. The truth is that we may be living according to cultural narratives (which are antithetical to the biblical narrative we desire to live by) without even knowing it. In our discussion today we look at Trevin Wax’s book Eschatological Discipleship, which helps us better understand and identify these cultural narratives, so that we can live biblically. What does "Eschatological Discipleship" mean? What we think about the "end times" informs how we follow Jesus. This is more than pre/post-millenial, post/pre-tribulation, or preterist vs. futurist. We ALL have a worldview that is going somewhere. Whether it's the sexual revolution, the Enlightenment, or consumerism, we're all affected by the worldview that surround us. This and more is what we cover in episode 2 of FTPB. Look for a new episode every other Friday. From the Pastor's Bookshelf is about shaping our imaginations through good books. It's more than just a review or summary of any given book, but a chance to dive into the concepts and ideas that are unearthed in the book. For more resources – https://radiantofcamas.org Follow us on Facebook & Instagram @radiantofcamas.