• 112 - On earth as it is in heaven (S12, EP11)
    Now is the time for the fulfilment of Jesus' prayer 'on earth as it is in heaven'. And the Bible story comes full circle with a new beginning as the story steps into God's unfolding plan for eternity with a heavenly city, at its centre the tree of life, with leaves for the healing of the nations.
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  • 111 - Heavenly courts (S12, EP10)
    John is overwhelmed by the heavenly courts. He does his best to describe what he sees. He sees the completion of God's promises to Abraham as 24 elders surround God's throne, those from Israel's 12 tribes and Jesus' 12 disciples.
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  • 110 - An invitation to a heavenly wedding (S12, EP9)
    Through out the Bible the picture of marriage and fidelity has been used. Jesus described himself as the bridegroom and at his last meal with this friends, before his death, he became metaphorically engaged to those who would choose to follow him, his people, his church, his bride. Now John sees the fulfilment of Jesus' promise is to be fulfilled. The invitations have been sent over the centuries, who will have accepted?
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  • 109 - The fall of earthly powers (S12, EP8)
    Now John sees that the earthly superpowers, which have established themselves in place of God, begin to fall.
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  • 108 - The last seven plagues (S12, EP7)
    This last Bible book is a book of prophecy, which can only be truly understood and revealed by God's spirit and at the time he chooses. But John sees war in both spiritual and natural realms as seven plagues are released on the world.
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  • 107 - Two beasts (S12, EP6)
    Now the opposer, the enemy of God and man, sets two beasts on the world stage. The battle for an eternal inheritance rages naturally and spiritually and the whole earth is affected.
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  • 106 - Two witnesses (S12, EP5)
    As John watches the end of times play out, God appoints two witnesses, prophets to go to Jerusalem. In Hebrew law, the teaching of Moses, two witnesses are always needed to agree and affirm action.
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  • 105 - Angels and trumpets (S12, EP4)
    In heaven John sees the beginning of the end of time. He is overwhelmed as the power and authority of God in heaven starts to bring God's judgement on earth.
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