
  • Intravenous Ozone Therapy:Everything you Need to know!
    Intravenous Ozone therapy has been used for over 100 years around the world. It is uniquely able to eliminate or cure almost every infectious and autoimmune disease as well as dozens of medical conditions thought to be incurable! This includes diseases and conditions that may kill you as well as those that may not kill you but make you wish you were dead! Virus, fungus, yeast, mold, bacteria, parasites, toxins, toxic heavy metals and harmful free radicles are destroyed or made harmless. While all the methods used may be beneficial forms of ozone therapy, they are NOT ALL CREATED EQUAL in benefit!This show will discuss ALL the different intravenous methods in simple to understand terms. We will explain and describe how they are performed, ALL the benefits as well as ALL the negatives of each method, how they work and what results you may achieve and expect from each.
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  • Anti-Aging, How to Grow Old and be Well! Part 2, Ozone Therapy
    We all want to grow old and be WELL! Growing old and becoming ill or infirmed is something people don’t believe will ever happen to them. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are proliferating because of this mistaken belief. The second part of this series on anti-aging will discuss the importance of STRESS in Anti-aging. Data is still lacking to establish a clear relationship between stress resistance and slowing the aging process. Harmful bacteria, virus, fungus, yeast, mold, and parasites all creates severe stress in your body. Ozone Therapy, of all kinds, can help produce these harmful organisms, thus, reducing stress and slow the aging process. This show will discuss the benefits and the methods that can be used to retard aging.
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  • Anti-Aging, How to grow Old and be Well! Part1, Probiotics
    We all want to grow old and be WELL! Growing old and becoming ill or infirmed is something people don’t believe will ever happen to them. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are proliferating because of this mistaken belief. The first of this series on anti-aging will discuss the importance of Probiotics in Anti-aging. The human gut harbors a highly concentrated and diverse population of bacteria that can actually support or disfavor good health. Probiotics have been discovered to be a key factor in the anti-aging process. As your intestinal microbiome changes with aging, an imbalance in these microorganisms can lead to many age-related degenerative diseases and unhealthy aging. Abnormal shifts in the gut microbiome have been linked to age-related chronic diseases. Long-living people have a unique intestinal microbiome. We will discuss how to retard the aging process, slow it down and to help you grow old and be well.
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    1 時間
  • Encore The Amazing Health Benefits of H.O.C.A.T.T. Ozone Sauna!
    H.O.C.A.T.T. stands for Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology. What a mouthful! This machine acts as a personal ozone steam sauna offering at least eight concurrent therapies during one 30 minute treatment session. While it has been available for over a decade few know of its amazing health benefits. We discuss its beneficial effects, diseases and conditions it can help improve and even eliminate as well as any risks involved. H.O.C.A.T.T. is one of the latest technologies clinically proven to work.
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  • Yes, There is a Cure for Psoriasis!
    Psoriasis is a common long-lasting disease in which the immune system becomes overactive, causing skin cells to multiply rapidly. Patches of skin become scaly, itchy and inflamed commonly on the scalp, elbows, knees, legs and feet, almost any part of the body. It can be painful, interfere with your sleep, make it hard to concentrate and can affect you emotionally and socially. It tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months and then it may subside (remiss) for a while. We will discuss how to safely and effectively treat and even cure it!
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  • Yes There is a Cure for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)!
    Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS I & II) (a.k.a. RSD) is an Extremely painful, chronic condition that is caused by trauma with nerve injury, a fracture, or even just a surgery. Severe Never-ending Pain, day in and day out, leads to emotional distress with depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, and hopelessness! Patients with CRPS have a higher risk of suicide compared to any other painful condition. One study on CRPS reported that 49.3% of patients with CRPS considered suicide and that the actual suicide attempt rate was 15.1%! Yet there is a safe and effective answer! We discuss what can and what has been done successfully to treat this dread condition.
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  • Encore: Ozone therapy and Cancer: What to expect.
    The War on Cancer began in 1960. The the chances of survival was 4%. By 2000 after 4 trillion dollars in research the chance for survival was 8% according two the American Cancer Society. Functional medicine seems to have as much as a 40% chance for survival rate estimated by many doctors. We will discuss the benefits of doing ozone therapy and the different methods used world wide to treat this dread disease.
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  • Yes, There is a Cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFers)!
    Are you tired when you wake up in the morning after a normal nights sleep? Do you need to nape in the morning or afternoon?The CDC estimates that one million people in the US have Chronic fatigue Syndrome a.k.a. CFers and as many as 17-24 million people worldwide have CFS. A recent UK biobank study places that estimate at 30 million.We will discuss the commonly known and the less known causes of this serious health condition and offer real, safe and effective ways to eliminate it and get your life back again.
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    1 時間