Sunday Worship
27th September 2020
Gold Coast Temple
Prelude: Band
Welcome & Call to Worship: Petra
Song: * To God be the glory (S 279 – Tune 513) 3 verses Band
Scripture: Ephesians 2: 8 - 9 Petra
Prayer Song: * Thank You for saving me (S 477 - Tune 852) 2 verses
Praise & Adoration: * How great is our God Ensemble
*Amazing Grace (My chains are gone)
Band Message: BM Rodney
Scripture: Matthew 20: 1 – 16
Video Clip:
Message: Steve
‘We are equal in our need before God. No one is more deserving than anyone else of God’s grace.’
Reflection Time: * Majesty Ensemble
Final Song: * Whosoever will may come (S 405 – Tune 936) 4 verses Band
Benediction: Bless you all for ministering today!