Hello and welcome to Gen.T: the podcast shining a spotlight on bright young people. Today with us we have Yin Noe for our season finale. Yin was the co-founder of Coillection and is currently the CEO of Savium, an award-winning startup enabling startups and small businesses to better and autonomously manage their finances.
With Yin, we talked about starting up at university, fintech, Savium's goals and the story of Yin as a founder.
This episode celebrates the end of Gen.T's third season, so please leave me some feedback or any guests you would like to see on the season. Either through Firstory or directly at the podcast's Instagram @_gen.t or your host's Instagram @j_gabbus.
The podcast is available on all major podcasting platforms, and feel free to leave a review and a rating if you liked the episode.
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