Unless you are your own boss, it is likely that, at some time, you have felt wronged at work. How you are treated in the workplace can affect all areas of your life. Try as we might, we often bring what happens in the boardroom home to the bedroom. Does discrimination in the workplace still exist? When is it ok to say something? When is it NECESSARY to say something?What if you are being paid less than others or are not being paid for all of your time? And, how does “erotic capital” play into all of this—can it advance your career or empower you? Although standing up for yourself can be scary, it is also EMPOWERING. Join me and my special guests employment law attorneys Charles Joseph of Joseph and Kirschenbaum LLP and Michael Palmer of Sanford Heisler LLP as we talk about discrimination, employee rights, what happens when the boardroom becomes the bedroom, and how to EMPOWER YOURSELF. So, take a break from work to listen in so that you can get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!