Join Jackye Clayton and Katee Van Horn in Episode 145 of The Inclusive AF Podcast as they dive deep into the implications of HR 899, a bill aimed at dismantling the Department of Education in the United States. In this enlightening episode, they discuss the wide-ranging effects it could have on workforce development, corporate training, and marginalized communities. If you're passionate about education, politics, and inclusivity, this episode is a must-listen. Understand how potential changes could impact public education and, ultimately, the American workforce. Stay informed, get involved, and make your voice heard. Don't miss this crucial conversation! #InclusiveAF #EducationReform #Podcast #HR899 #EducationPolicy #WorkforceDevelopment #InclusionMatters #JackyeClayton #KateeVanHorn Subscribe for more insightful discussions on inclusivity and social justice! If you like what you hear, we would like to encourage you to subscribe to our channel! We would also appreciate it if you would rate this channel by going here: RateThisPodcast.com/inclusiveaf We create this podcast as a labor of love. But if you would like to support this channel you can buy us a cup of coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/InclusiveAF