
  • Red Hot Chillies and Relentless Responsibilities - Chatting to Jonny Allen

    Sucking the marrow and ripping the arse out of life.

    Realities and responsibilities, do we notice the changes, and the importance of doing.

    A chat with Jonny Allen

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    57 分
  • The Starting Point - A chat with Tim Elliott

    I'm 98% sure I am still 40% lost..."

    A fascinating conversation with trail runner, recovering marketer and all round interesting thinker Tim Elliott

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    52 分
  • Get Lost?

    I have a theory,

    That people and in particular blokes, when you get to those middle age years your world gets a bit smaller and whilst often nothing is particularly wrong you just feel a bit stuck - a bit lost in the middle – and bit kind of is there more? and my theory goes that the way to combat that and really live with true happiness and contentment – and to support and fulfil all those other parts of your life - is through adventure.

    So this is my way of trying to work out if that is a thing or just an elaborate cover for my own midlife crisis...

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    5 分