In this week's episode we preview the US Men's Olympic basketball team as well as their fresh Olympic themed kicks. Let us know which member of Team USA has the best shoes! Which pairs should we look at next week?
Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sneaksandstats/
We're also on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfjqV40wCrqVFIqlfbnt_A
Buy a pair for yourself:
New Balance Numeric 48 Andrew Reynolds - https://stockx.com/new-balance-numeric-480-andrew-reynolds-chocolate
Nike Kobe 7 Olympic - https://stockx.com/kobe-7-usa-olympic
Jordan 7 Olympic - https://stockx.com/jordan-7-retro-olympic-2012
Adidas AE 1 - https://www.adidas.com/us/ae-1-best-of-adi-basketball-shoes/IF1857.html
Nike LeBron XXI - https://www.nike.com/t/lebron-xxi-basketball-shoes-DjB9tK/HF5353-400