
  • S1E48 - Stolen Goods…Embrace the New Life!
    Episode Notes

    As we close this year of Podcasting in 2023, I sincerely thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts with others. May God continue to bless your journey for Spiritual Growth and Maturity. Remember to Be Peaceful, Celebrate Life, Keep Moving Forward, and Trust Only God!

    Today’s show is quite thought provoking and challenging because I ask a simple question about the Old Lifestyle that is hard to break away from. When are you going to Embrace the New Life in Jesus Christ? Think about it…the New Life in Jesus Christ.

    One of the biggest problems in being a Christian is getting rid of the “Old Lifestyle.” It is hard to let go of sinful habits, attitudes, mannerisms, and behaviors that keep us living according to the “standards of the world.” We tend to get distracted and disappointed day after day.

    In many cases, by the time we are drawn to accept God’s Way, we have grown so accustomed to the many malfunctions and deficiencies which result from our sinful behavior; that we often fail, resist, give up, or settle for a religious routine. Maybe, that is why holy scripture says, ”Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). I mean, is there a break even point or baseline approach for Spiritual Growth and Maturity? I do have a theory about it that I shared years ago with my Spiritual Mother. However, I’m still doing the research on that one!

    But, if we learn how to Renew our minds and put on the new regimen, (Ephesians 6:10-18, The Whole Armor of God) and grab new methods, and accept the new responsibility; then the Christian life could be an exciting adventure as you Embrace the New Life in Jesus Christ! Indeed! There are countless blessings and various promises from Almighty God that manifest in the life of the true, faithful Believer who learns to Trust God and his infinite Power.

    Listen today and hear a great True Story at the beginning and at the end of this Podcast. I want you to leave 2023 inspired; and to enter 2024 fully equipped to experience the Peace of God as you walk Closer to God. May the Holy Spirit guide every step that you take. Continue to Be Blessed.

    Merry Christmas! And, Happy New Year!

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    22 分
  • S1E47 - Restore The Joy!
    Episode Notes

    What did you experience when you first turned your life around and decided to become a real Christian? Can you remember the day when you said, ”Yes to Jesus Christ?” Well, if you’re like me, it probably was a great decision that had you off and running to tell everyone about the Good News! The goodness of the Lord brings joy, peace, direction, and blessings. His promises are true.

    However, over time you may run out of gas and get tired. After all, once the trials, tribulations, tests, and temptations come into you surroundings, turning the other cheek can be a hard pill to swallow. We grow tired and weary from the demands and desires to live a holy, righteous lifestyle, and often wish that Satan would just leave us alone. Trust me, I really do understand how hard it can be. I have had my share of disappointments in the Christian community and beyond.

    The journey to live according to God’s standards becomes more important once we make up our minds that His Way is the best option to follow. Sin haunts every Believer making the attempt to cause us to fall away from the truth and succumb to fear and failure. But don’t worry.

    Because when you learn how to trust in the Lord, the Joy of your Salvation and Sanctification will keep you from giving in and giving over to the standards of this wicked world. Your Spiritual Growth and Maturity will become an important matter of your conscience and awareness in relationships, activities, environments, and experiences. Tonight’s show will encourage you to Restore the Joy of the wonderful life that you embraced when you accepted Jesus Christ.

    And, if you are still unsure, make the move and really give God a chance to improve your life. At the end of the program, you’ll get to hear an old gospel tune by Andre Crouch called, “Take Me Back.” Yes, many saints need to go back and remember the time when they first believed. Maybe then the enthusiasm, boldness, excitement, and desire to serve in full capacity will return. Be Peaceful. May God Bless You and Heaven Smile Upon You!

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    20 分
  • S1E46 - My Father is Rich!
    Episode Notes

    Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if your FATHER was rich? Think about for a minute before we move on. My Father is Rich?? Really? Are you certain? Hmmm…hmmm. Unlike so many other people who are lost in today’s world, having wealth and power is not established by earthly, material gain; but it is found in the vast Riches from God, the Father.

    And his riches are available to his children; those who follow Him. The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. You will find that scripture in Proverbs 10:22. That’s right….no sorrow, pain, turmoil, or sadness comes with the Lord’s blessing for riches. Amen!!

    So ask yourself this question, Am I a Child of God? Do I consider myself to be a Born Again believer? Am I a Christian, saved by God’s grace and mercy? Do I really identify with the Saints of God; the brethren? Your answer might surprise you, or it may convict you, or it will convince you that there is something missing from your quest and desire to Grow and Mature Spiritually.

    The Children of God have access to his riches, right here and right now! The key to experiencing them is found in the precious time and energy you take to develop, cultivate, and build up your own personal relationship with Him. He tells us in his Word, draw near to me and I will draw near to you. That passage of scripture is stated in James 4:7-8. You get what you put into Any known relationship and that’s a fact. Think about it. Just think about it! God’s riches are waiting for you!!

    In this program we will present and discuss the Riches of Almighty God that are readily available to his Children. As you listen, I pray that your faith will increase so strongly that you can join me and proclaim, Yes, Indeed! I Am A Child of the King!! May God Bless and Keep You.

    P.S. or Warning: I Sing a little bit on today’s show! Be Peaceful. 🙏🏾💕😂🙏🏾

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    25 分
  • S1E45 - What About My Enemies?
    Episode Notes

    Honestly speaking, I really didn’t know that I had any enemies, until they started to reveal themselves. I mean it, and it‘s true! You can go about living your life, minding your own business, helping and influencing others, and not realize that your enemies are out to stop your progress. Your kindness is violated.

    Unfortunately, there are some people in your circle of influence or environment who do not like you, your style, your demeanor, or your way of handling problems. Eventually, however they display their true intentions to harm you in some mean-spirited way. Oftentimes, these are folk who are very jealous and envious of you and your personality. Simply put, they hate the way that you carry yourself. Unbeknownst to you…….You are a Threat!?!?!

    The question is, What can you do about your enemies? That’s a tough one! But, as we delve into the holy scriptures, God gives his children explicit details on how to maneuver around them and deal with their evil tactics. The Word of God has the answer.

    This show will enlighten and encourage you to grow stronger in your faith and recognize that your desire to become spiritually mature will “draw enemies towards you,” because you identify with Jesus Christ. This is a challenge, but you Can overcome it.

    As you grow and mature in godliness, you will be honored to suffer for his “Names Sake.” This is a very deep lesson. Take the cues and grow closer to God. May God Bless and Keep You!

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    24 分
  • S1E44 - He Is My Everything
    Episode Notes

    When the Lord delivered King David from all of his enemies and the hand of Saul, he wrote a song, Psalm 18. It is complete with 50 verses describing the power, strength, grace, and mercy of God in his life. In the second verse (2), David says “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my strength, my buckler, the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.”

    Who is the Lord God Almighty to you? Think about it long and hard. And, Ask yourself these very important questions. Who is the Lord to Me? What is my standing with God? Who, What, When, Where is God in My Life?

    Many people spend their lives going to church, Sunday after Sunday, year after year, and rarely express to others the true meaning of their relationship with God. You must grow and mature spiritually. Then, make the necessary time to be a true disciple and make another disciple; then another disciple, and another disciple, and so on.

    As spirit-led and spirit-filled Christians, we should know, believe, and promote the gospel as evidenced by our close encounter and outward expression of the power of God.

    Today’s program will encourage you to continue on the straight and narrow path and say it loud, He Is My Everything!!!

    May God Bless You and Heaven Smile Upon You. Be Peaceful!

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    13 分
  • S1E43 - When Bad Things STOP Happening
    Episode Notes

    The Summer of 2023 is winding down and I hope you have been enjoying yourself. I took a few weeks off to reminisce and be grateful for living my life closer to the one who is the source of everything! Jesus Christ!

    That being said, a wonderful thought came to my mind, ”Wow, Bad things have finally Stopped Happening in my Life!! Yaaaaaay! Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus! Glory to God! Wow! What a rude awakening and blessing! I have the Peace of God…every day!!

    I am free; joyful; productive; and mature. So today’s Podcast will encourage you to recognize and realize that there are some distinct features, no clues; no, no, no signs of calmness when bad things stop being a nuisance in your Christian life. Yes, we suffer, and are persecuted, and are attacked by the enemy, but His Grace is Sufficient and God will see you through any and every problem or situation.

    You just have to make the decision to keep on growing closer to God. Trust in his Word and Apply the Holy Scriptures to your life. The process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity is a life long course where you can learn, grow, apply, and share with others….”the Goodness of the Lord.“

    God expects us to lead men, women, boys, and girls to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and repeat the process over and over again; thereby “Making Disciples.”

    When bad things stop happening in your life, you will serve the Lord more sincerely. Your steps will be ordered to follow His path. Your bright ideas will align directly with scripture. You will know how to hear, listen intently, acknowledge, and obey the VOICE of GOD!

    It is a Powerful experience….hearing and obeying the VOICE of GOD! Now remember, He PRIMARILY Speaks through His Word, The Holy Bible.

    My goal in this Episode is to get you thinking about where you are in your Spiritual life, in comparison on to where you want to be. Make the decision to follow God with your whole heart.

    May God Bless You and Heaven Smile Upon You! Be Peaceful. Celebrate Life. Keep Moving Forward. Trust Only God.

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    27 分
  • S1E42 - The Good Life
    Episode Notes

    What does it mean to live “The Good Life?” How does a person know when they are living “The Good Life?” What are the obvious characteristics that are visible when The Good Life is completely surrounding your life? This show will point you in the right direction by addressing God’s Word with clarification and distinction about the wonderful life He has in store for us. We will share with you the answers in our discussion.

    We often fail to recognize the magnificent outcomes that emerge when we obey and follow after His righteousness and guidance. The world‘s standards tend to bait us into believing that when we get rich, have all the material goods and services, and develop relationships that we can control and manipulate (subtlety and overtly); we are on our way to “living good.” Not true. That, my friend is a great big fallacy. I used to think that people who had money lived “The Good Life,“ but most of them are miserable and sad. It is a strange phenomenon.

    However, as you listen to this program, I pray that you will take the time and opportunity to rethink your, goals, plans, methods, and operations that will lead you to The Good Life. As you invest in your personal relationship with God by growing and maturing Spiritually, I know without a doubt that you will experience, “The Good Life.” It is there waiting for You to accept and embrace.

    Listen, there is no better life to have and behold! I am a living witness. God’s Way is totally different from the World’s Way, and Your Way. Be Peaceful. May God Bless and Keep You.

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    14 分
  • S1E41 - Your Happy Birthday Verse
    Episode Notes

    Let’s have Fun on today’s show by naming, quoting, and memorizing, “Your Happy Birthday Verse.” This is the Bible verse that corresponds with the month and day that you were born. I found this to be a great exercise and strategy to memorize key verses from the Holy Bible to help Believers grow stronger in their faith. Mine is Luke 10:19 which talks about Power; I was born October 19th.

    There is a very good reason for hiding the Word of God in your heart, mind, spirit, and soul. It will keep you, bless you, protect you, and deliver you from sin. We are given the specific formula in Psalm 119:9-11. In order to pursue a clean and obedient heart, we Must be able to draw from the Word of God that has been deeply embedded within your mind.

    Then, we can use the Power of God’s Word as a Counter Attack AGAINST Satan! The Word, the Holy Scriptures, Bible Verses, the Bible is your Sword. The Offensive Weapon for Spiritual Warfare.

    When you begin to study and memorize Key Verses that pertain to your circumstances or problems, you will experience the Peace of God. As you grow to trust Him, the presence of God will begin to encompass your daily journey. Straighten out your life, strengthen your life, stabilize your life as you embrace the process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity. God is Waiting for You to make the commitment to Hear from Him. Be Peaceful. May the Power of God Bless Your Life.

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