• Ghost Stories of Malta - L-Iħirsa f’Malta

  • 著者: SBS
  • ポッドキャスト

Ghost Stories of Malta - L-Iħirsa f’Malta

著者: SBS
  • サマリー

  • Malta is an island steeped in history, with more than its fair share of ghost stories. Some of these stories have been around for centuries and derive from the strong bond the Maltese have with their Catholic faith. Ramon Mizzi takes you to haunted houses, forts, public buildings and churches - looking into some of the most popular ghost stories. - Malta; gżira msawwra fl-istorja b’ħafna stejjer tal- ħares li tnislu maż-żmienijiet. Xi stejjer ilhom jeżistu għal sekli sħaħ, u xi wħud nibtu mir-rabta qawwija li l-Maltin għandhom mal-fidi nisranija. Dan il-podcast ser jieħdkom madwar rakkonti ta’ dehriet magħrufa u mhux daqstant magħrufa, li seħħew f’xi forti, f’xi bini pubbliku jew saħansitra ġo xi knisja.
    Copyright 2024, Special Broadcasting Services
    続きを読む 一部表示
  • The Ghost Sighted: Personal experiences of the supernatural - Il-Ħares fl-esperjenzi personali
    Many people report having strange experiences in the historic buildings of Malta that they attribute to the supernatural. Are there explanations for these experiences? - Hemm nies li esperjenzaw xi sitwazzjonijiet strambi li ma jistgħux jiġu spjegati u hemm oħrajn li qatt ma kienu f’din il-pożizzjoni. Iżda, hemm dawk li għandhom poteri speċjali; dawk li jaraw, jisimgħu u saħansitra jikkomunikaw ma’ entitajiet li mhumiex fiżikament preżenti.
    続きを読む 一部表示
    37 分
  • The Ghost Within: how religion influences the way ghost stories are told - Il-Ħares fil-fidi Maltija
    The strong influence of religion in Maltese culture has shaped the way ghost stories are told. - Il-Maltin dejjem kellhom rabta mal-mewt bħala parti intrinsika tal-Ħajja, u b’hekk dan l-element provda sfond għal xi stejjer tal-Ħares li għadhom popolari sal-lum.
    続きを読む 一部表示
    30 分
  • The Ghost Trapped: How religion and the supernatural interact - Il-Ħares f’postijiet publiċi u privati
    Why do certain places seem to be haunted? - Għaliex ċertu postijiet qishom għandhom magħmlul li jigbdu l-ħares lejhom?
    続きを読む 一部表示
    26 分


Malta is an island steeped in history, with more than its fair share of ghost stories. Some of these stories have been around for centuries and derive from the strong bond the Maltese have with their Catholic faith. Ramon Mizzi takes you to haunted houses, forts, public buildings and churches - looking into some of the most popular ghost stories. - Malta; gżira msawwra fl-istorja b’ħafna stejjer tal- ħares li tnislu maż-żmienijiet. Xi stejjer ilhom jeżistu għal sekli sħaħ, u xi wħud nibtu mir-rabta qawwija li l-Maltin għandhom mal-fidi nisranija. Dan il-podcast ser jieħdkom madwar rakkonti ta’ dehriet magħrufa u mhux daqstant magħrufa, li seħħew f’xi forti, f’xi bini pubbliku jew saħansitra ġo xi knisja.
Copyright 2024, Special Broadcasting Services

Ghost Stories of Malta - L-Iħirsa f’Maltaに寄せられたリスナーの声
