Welcome back to Anne's Ink and Musings!!! In Episode 2 Anne digs into "Gingerbread Kisses" a novella centered around Christmas time. She dives into some of the characters, a little more about the story, her own christmasy experiences, and gives a shoutout to future stories. In the next episode of Anne's Ink and Musing's Anne is still up in the air about the exact contents but be looking for a deeper look into Vella Serials and her Vella Characters, or a podcast about Anne's favorite authors and books/what she likes about them. Feel free to vote on your topic of choice below.
Email: fordannec@gmail.com
Facebook: @Authoranneford
Insta @AuthorAnneCFord
Tiktok: AuthorAnneFord
Christmas Giveaway: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5zqpce6UVO6ed0z5YDKhvt2y27gUFay7fCZwgsdotKfg9og/viewform