Kevin Duffy and Patrick Highsmith return as guests. It seems likely that gold and silver miners should have a great year in 2022 given that both metals appear to be in the early days of a new major new bull market as the equity markets continue to descend from extreme overvaluations thanks to insane central bank zero-interest rate policies. As rates rise, true value rises to the top which is why gold and silver are on the rise. So we expect major gold and silver producers to do well along with the likes of Timberline Resources, which is on to a Carlin-style gold discovery in Nevada. Patrick Highsmith will join us to provide an update on that company’s exploration plans in 2023. But while the equity market in general is expected to suffer further declines at least in the first half of 2023, your host is on the lookout for good values in the shares of major companies at bargain basement prices. That’s why Kevin Duffy has been invited to share his thoughts about some bargains in companies that provide essential goods and services that the world always needs. Kevin will share some of the gems he has recently discovered. Also your host plans to share some gold and silver exploration stories that he covers in J Taylor’s Gold Energy & Tech Stocks newsletter and that he has invested his own money in.