• The Power of Authenticity in Art and Branding with Leah Mark

    Leah Mark discusses the influence of nature on their work and the challenges of marketing as a creative. She shares tips on building a personal brand, using authentic storytelling, and the importance of professional photography. Insights into gallery relationships and managing the logistics of an art career are also explored.

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  • Building stronger communities: The power of social connection with Keir

    On today's episode, GTM's founder, Tony Nicholls, and Integrated Account Director, Jelena Avramovic, are joined by CEO of Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHV), Keir Paterson. They discuss what NHV do - the positive impact they're making in the community. NHV provide everything from a place to socially connect with others, to food security for people within their community.

    Neighbourhood Houses Victoria - https://www.nhvic.org.au/

    Keir Paterson - https://www.linkedin.com/in/keirpaterson/

    Contact Neighbourhood Houses Victoria - info@nhvic.org.au

    Watch on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@goodtalentmedia3863

    Contact Good Talent Media - info@goodtalent.com.au

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  • From humble beginnings to business triumph with Avi

    Join us this week as GTM's Tony Nicholls and Jelena Arvamovic speak with Avi Efrat on all things business. Avi shares his humble beginnings and how his framing business came to fruition through dedication and passion. Avi and the team provide such great advice on how to be successful within such a tough and competitive world.

    Fantastic Framing - https://www.fantasticframing.com.au/

    Avi Efrat - https://www.linkedin.com/in/avi-efrat-fantastic-framing/

    Contact Fantastic Framing - avi@fantasticframing.com.au

    Watch on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@goodtalentmedia3863

    Contact Good Talent Media - info@goodtalent.com.au

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  • From the NBA to the CEO of disability provider with Phil

    Join GTM's Tony Nicholls, John Sullivan and Wallara CEO, Phil Hayes-Brown to gain valuable insight into Phils' journey through many different industries. Phil speaks about his two beautiful children, and delves deeper into his daughter Phoebe's journey. Phoebe was born with an intellectual disability which ultimately led Phil to discover his passion within the disability sector. Wallara is a non-for-profit organisation that drives social change in our community to empower people with different abilities.

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  • The future of video content with James

    This week’s episode we are joined by James Brennan who is CEO at Linius Technologies, a small cap tech company that is transforming the video industry on a global scale. Linius uses a unique platform SaaS that creates a personalised algorithm for the user through using videos like data. It’s a first-of-its-kind as they provide truly personalised video stream for every viewer whether it may be highlights of their favourite sports team, player, or a particular match. Each individual user can delve into their own niche.

    Linius Technologies - https://www.linius.com/

    Contact Linius - https://www.linius.com/contact

    Watch on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@goodtalentmedia3863

    Contact Good Talent Media - info@goodtalent.com.au

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  • From experiencing homelessness to a successful entrepreneur with Harry

    Earlier in the year we spoke with Founder and Director of StudioHawk, Harry Sanders. Harry shares not only his incredible life story of facing homelessness from a very young age, but also his business journey from getting his first job at just 14 years of age to where he is now. Harry was a pleasure to speak with and we think you'll get a lot out of this episode.

    StudioHawk - https://studiohawk.com.au/
    Contact StudioHawk - contact@studiohawk.com.au
    Harry Sanders - https://www.linkedin.com/in/harry-sanders-seo/

    Watch on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@goodtalentmedia3863
    Contact Good Talent Media - info@goodtalent.com.au

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  • Planning for 2024 stories

    Join Tony Nicholls and John Sullivan as they discuss the year that's been and how to plan for the year ahead. Planning is an important part of the process, but a part that nobody wants to think about. Planning needs to be about action as well as the plan itself. John and Tony give tips on how to not overwhelm yourself within the planning process, and ways to ensure you are acting on your plan.

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  • Unlimited Media Training

    Too often, businesses are too worried about earning money and only doing certain tasks for X amount. Join Tony Nicholls and John Sullivan as they discuss GTM's newest offering - unlimited media training. Without turning into a sales podcast, Tony & John discuss the benefits of this new offering, giving businesses the chance to create relationships. With unlimited access to the team, unlimited attendees, and unlimited hours.

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