• Matthew - Introduction

    What Are Matthew’s Main Themes? Matthew proves Jesus is the Messiah. Matthew shows that Jesus did not fail to establish the kingdom (the failure was the nation of Israel’s). Because the nation of Israel failed to respond, the Gospel was now open to Gentiles.

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  • Bitterness

    Like a root, bitterness puts off poison fruit like slander, lying, malice, hatred, anxiety, division.

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  • Manipulation

    Manipulation comes in many forms, but in all its various forms it is always a matter of control and it always plays on the desires of the other person. The manipulator plays on the other person’s desire for love and acceptance. Manipulation plays on the other person’s desire for safety and security for themselves and for others they love.

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  • Valueing God's Patience

    The delay of Jesus’ second coming is not evidence of a failed prophecy, but the manifestation of God’s loving patience. The delay has and is giving opportunity for people from every tribe, tongue and nation to be reconciled to God. God wants a big family with Him in the New Heaven and the New Earth (3:13)! It is our privilege to serve God’s patient purpose by sharing the way of salvation with those not yet reconciled.

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  • Jesus Is Coming Again

    Contrary to the contention that everything has continued the same since God created all things by His Word, Peter points out that God destroyed all things by His Word and with water through the Flood. Though the false teachers deliberately leave out the Flood, Peter makes clear a cataclysmic event of judgment happened in the past and that another is promised for the future, only this one will be through fire.

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  • The Fate Of False Teachers

    False teachers are doomed for destruction. As they introduce destructive heresies, they are “bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” (2:1). Their judgment is certain: “Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.” (2:3).

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  • How To Recognize False Teachers

    In verse 10, Peter calls these false teachers bold and willful. Together, these words describe people who are recklessly and ruthlessly determined to have their own way. Their arrogance is driven by claims to have received direct revelation from God by means of dreams. Jude notes that "relying on their dreams" these false teachers will blaspheme/slander spirit beings (Jude 8).

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  • The Lord Knows How

    The Flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah are historical examples of how God, on one hand, punished the unrighteous, and on the other, rescued the godly from temptation.

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