In today's episode, Phil interviews Eva about grant writing. We learn about Eva's various sources of funding, the funding she has applied for in the past, and what has worked and what not. We also look at how helpful the feedback and grading of a proposal can be.
Then, we get into our best practices for grant writing. In summary, these are:
- Try various different funding sources
- Try both personal and consortium grants
- Think national and international
- EU funding is not impossible (although it is also really not the best-funded funding, but it is prestigious and thus good for your CV)
- Work with experienced grant writers in consortium
- Learn from the experience of your colleagues
- Get help from the grant writing office at your university
We also look at particular advice for early career scholars on getting their research funded, and when to quit an idea. We also discuss the difference between depending on funding for our salaries versus having a tenured position where we may not need to be paying our salaries out of our project.