
著者: Darren Smith
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  • Welcome to Hope, Understanding & Encouragement… H.U.E. for short. My name is Darren Smith, a believer in God's Word and a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to encourage the Church of Jesus Christ to follow our God and His Word, the Bible. God has put on my heart to do a Podcast on topics that He puts on my heart. Whether one person or a thousand people listen, God has a purpose and time for everything.

    © 2025 H.U.E.
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Welcome to Hope, Understanding & Encouragement… H.U.E. for short. My name is Darren Smith, a believer in God's Word and a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to encourage the Church of Jesus Christ to follow our God and His Word, the Bible. God has put on my heart to do a Podcast on topics that He puts on my heart. Whether one person or a thousand people listen, God has a purpose and time for everything.

© 2025 H.U.E.
  • Breaking The Iron Chariots

    Today we are talking about strongholds in our lives that seem impossible to defeat, even though God is with us as we face these difficult situations. The idea of the iron chariots come from the time when God was with Judah as they were conquering territory promised to them by God. And yet even though God was with Judah, Judah could not defeat the cities that had iron chariots.

    You are welcome to send me a message or a question

    I hope you enjoy what God puts on my heart. You can contact me on my email dazlaine@iprimus.com.au

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  • Who’s Eyes Are You Seeing God Through?

    Today I would like to encourage you as a Christian to seek God with your own eyes so you can see Him more clearly. I will be doing this Podcast in two parts, and both parts are about seeking and choosing. The second part will be a bit more technical if you would like to listen to it. It is amazing how many different views there are of God, especially by those who do not believe in God and those who are anti-Christian. People have told me religion and God is all about money, sex, taking advantage of people, the Bible is full of lies, contradictions, a copy from other religions, and that God Himself is evil. Where do people get all these ideas from? Because if you are not careful; it will create confusion in your life.

    You are welcome to send me a message or a question

    I hope you enjoy what God puts on my heart. You can contact me on my email dazlaine@iprimus.com.au

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  • To The Church Today "Remember Me"

    Today God has put on my heart His church, which involves everybody who is a part of His kingdom. And most particularly what the church is doing today in Gods Kingdom and what God would like His Church to do today in His Kingdom.
    In this Podcast we see that the church of Ephesus has lost its first love towards God. The church became so busy doing the works of God that it overtook its love for God. So God here is encouraging His people to come back to Him.

    You are welcome to send me a message or a question

    I hope you enjoy what God puts on my heart. You can contact me on my email dazlaine@iprimus.com.au

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