In today's episode, hosts Deb Turton and Guy Daigneault dive into habits and how to instill new habits and behaviors in your life by using simple, small steps that add momentum to your life. Find out how habits determine the results you get in your life and how to consciously hone and cultivate good habits that ensure success.
- The definition of a habit is “the usual way of behaving or a tendency that someone has settled into.”
- Creating habits is fundamentally about creating new behaviors and building a routine that makes them automatic, at least in the case of positive habits.
- Habits can be extremely powerful, but they aren’t easy to change unless you start small and work your way up.
- Deb grew up mostly without adult supervision. This led to her having a number of habits that weren’t really serving her in her adult years.
- Our whole life is created by our habits, which means you can take control of your life by implementing the right habits. If you can create strong, positive habits in each of the seven important areas of your life, you will reap immense rewards.
- When it comes to forming new habits, it’s important to start off with the smallest of steps.
- Making small changes to the habits around your health will completely change your life. A new you is built from small, but powerful changes to your behavior.
- Studies have shown that it takes anywhere from 21 to 65 days to change a habit. If you build on your habits on a daily basis, you will move closer to your goals.
- Don’t look at the setbacks. Setbacks will happen, but it’s important to not let them halt your progress.
- Don’t think about building new habits as missing out on something or taking something away from your life, and instead like you get the opportunity to reap the rewards of your awesome new habits and resulting life.
- Accountability partners can be a great tool for establishing new habits. Having someone hold you to your commitment makes it much more likely that you will stick to the plan. Find someone who will care for you without judgment.
- People with an accountability partner or support system in place lose weight 32% faster than those who don’t. Support can make all the difference in achieving your goals.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Fun Sheet Download: Habit Tracker Power Tool
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