After two tumultuous years, 2023 remains characterized by headwinds facing countries across the world. Just as the pandemic’s effects began to dissipate in 2021, a new series of shocks emerged to test Caribbean economies’ fragile recoveries and resilience in 2022, linked in large part to residual impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on supply chains and demand conditions, rising inflation and tightening financial conditions, as well as new global shocks — particularly driven by the conflict in Ukraine. To learn more about the topics discussed, please:
- Visit this blog: https://blogs.iadb.org/caribbean-dev-trends/en/headwinds-facing-the-post-pandemic-recovery-in-the-caribbean/
- Download the publication: https://publications.iadb.org/en/caribbean-economics-quarterly-volume-11-issue-3-headwinds-facing-post-pandemic-recovery