Vanessa Diab is the founder and owner of Freedom Jars, a Toronto-based company with a mission to make food that has a positive impact on our health and happiness.
At the age of 21, Vanessa was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and suffered from debilitating symptoms that paused her life. After taking medications, but not seeing much change, she took a leap of faith and tried an all natural route: nutrition. Ever since, Vanessa has been living symptom free and medication free. Today, she is on a mission to inspire others to make healthier food choices. She has dedicated her career to creating positive change for her community and for the world.
Today, Freedom Jars makes all natural, fresh, handmade meals. The company is best known for their uniquely designed parfaits and salad bowls, which are all plant-based and gluten free.
Connect with Vanessa @ Freedom Jars on IG: @freedomjars