
  • Ep. 542 The Big Lie in My Healthcare Bill with Frank Lobb
    Shawn & Janet Needham, R.Ph. have Frank Lobb on to discuss his book, "The Big Lie in my Healthcare Bill". Frank's book shows how a simple letter can stop one of these fraudulent bills dead in its tracks. Frank Lobb Book | https://www.amazon.com/Big-Lie-My-Healthcare-Bill/dp/B0DJDXGCC2/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1 Website | www.killAbill.com LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-lobb-31a12451/ Health Solutions Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/ Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy Website | http://mlrx.com.com/ Shawn Needham X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2 Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book Additional Links https://linktr.ee/mlrx
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  • Ep. 541 MTHFR with Joanne Kennedy
    Shawn & Janet Needham, R.Ph. have Joanne Kennedy on to discuss MTHFR. Joanne Kennedy Website | http://www.joannekennedynaturopathy.com Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/joannekennedynaturopath/ YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_OVEwjTcNYfAg3_NrVK-xQ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/joanne-kennedy-370a54ba/ Health Solutions Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/ Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy Website | http://mlrx.com.com/ Shawn Needham X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2 Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book Additional Links https://linktr.ee/mlrx
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  • Ep. 540 Leaving Insurance Medicine with Dr. Richard Edgerly
    Shawn & Janet Needham, R.Ph. have Dr. Richard Edgerly on the podcast to talk about why he left insurance medicine. Dr. Richard Edgerly Website | https://assurancehealth.org/richard-edgerly-md/ Health Solutions Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/ Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy Website | http://mlrx.com.com/ Shawn Needham X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2 Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book Additional Links https://linktr.ee/mlrx
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  • Ep. 539 Secrets to Staying Fit After 60 with Robbie Raugh Francisco
    Shawn & Janet Needham, R.Ph. have Robbie Raugh Francisco on the podcast to talk about the secrets to staying fit after 60. Robbie Raugh Francisco Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/robbieraugh/ Health Solutions Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/ Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy Website | http://mlrx.com.com/ Shawn Needham X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2 Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book Additional Links https://linktr.ee/mlrx
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  • Ep. 538 LYT Yoga Method with Lara Heimann
    Shawn & Janet Needham, R.Ph. have Lara Heimann on the podcast to discuss the LYT Method. Lara Heimann Instagram - Personal | https://www.instagram.com/lara.heimann/ Instagram - LYT Method | https://www.instagram.com/lytmethod/ Health Solutions Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/ Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy Website | http://mlrx.com.com/ Shawn Needham X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2 Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book Additional Links https://linktr.ee/mlrx
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  • Ep. 537 How Our Immune Systems are Designed to Combat Viruses with Dr. Kelly Victory
    Shawn & Janet Needham, R.Ph. have Dr. Kelly Victory on the podcast to discuss how our immune systems are designed to combat viruses. Dr. Victory is a residency-trained trauma and emergency specialist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She is an expert in disaster preparedness and response and medical management of mass casualties. Dr. Victory is an alumnus of the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative by the Harvard School of Public Health and the Kennedy School of Government to develop “meta-leaders” for national disaster preparedness and response, and served as a member of the Leadership Council at Harvard School of Public Health for many years. Dr. Victory has worked with a range of public and private organizations including companies, hospitals, schools, churches and municipalities on public health issues including disaster and pandemic preparedness and response. Dr. Kelly Victory X | https://x.com/DrKellyVictory Health Solutions Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/ Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy Website | http://mlrx.com.com/ Shawn Needham X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2 Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book Additional Links https://linktr.ee/mlrx
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  • Ep. 536 Homeopathy with Gabrielle Traub, M.Tech (HOM), CCH
    Shawn & Janet Needham, R.Ph. have Gabrielle Traub, M.Tech (HOM), CCH on the podcast to discuss homeopathy. Gabrielle Traub, M.Tech (HOM), CCH Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/groups/501486328721659 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/traubgabrielle/ X | https://x.com/GabrielleTraub Health Solutions Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/ Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy Website | http://mlrx.com.com/ Shawn Needham X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2 Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book Additional Links https://linktr.ee/mlrx
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  • Ep. 535 Mycotoxins & Detox with Dr. Kourtney Chichilitti
    Shawn & Janet Needham discuss mycotoxins and detox with Dr. Kourtney Chichilitti. Dr. Kourtney Chichilitti Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/kourtney.chichilitti LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-kourtney-sanfelice-a20a393b Health Solutions Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/ Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy Website | http://mlrx.com.com/ Shawn Needham X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2 Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book Additional Links https://linktr.ee/mlrx
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