Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Heartfelt Decisions: Sibling Bonds in a Snowy Tallinn Cafe Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2025-01-12-08-38-19-et Story Transcript:Et: Väike kohvik Tallinnas oli täna hommikul eriliselt hubane.En: A small café in Tallinn was particularly cozy this morning.Et: Väljas sadas õrnalt lund ja inimesed kiirustasid mööda, otsides varju ja soojust.En: Outside, a gentle snow was falling, and people were hurrying by, seeking shelter and warmth.Et: Akendel helkisid küünlavalged ja kohviuba lõhn täitis kogu ruumi.En: Candle lights glowed in the windows and the aroma of coffee beans filled the entire room.Et: Arvo ja Kadi istusid ümmarguse laua taga.En: Arvo and Kadi sat at a round table.Et: Nad olid valinud kohviku, kus nad lapsena vanemate ja vanaemaga sageli käisid.En: They had chosen the café where they used to visit often with their parents and grandmother as children.Et: Nüüd, omal moel täiskasvanud, istusid nad seal, et arutada tõsist teemat – nende päranduseks saadud maja.En: Now, grown-up in their own way, they sat there to discuss a serious topic – the house they had inherited.Et: Arvol oli kaasas must portfell täis paberimajandust.En: Arvo had with him a black briefcase full of paperwork.Et: Kadi tõi aga kaasa vana fotoalbumi, täis pilte nende lapsepõlvest.En: Kadi, however, brought along an old photo album, full of pictures from their childhood.Et: Kumbki oma maailmas, mõlema südames rahutus.En: Each was in their own world, both with unease in their hearts.Et: "Nii, Kadi," alustas Arvo, avades portfelli.En: "So, Kadi," Arvo began, opening the briefcase.Et: "Me peame arutama maja müüki.En: "We need to discuss selling the house.Et: Ma olen uurinud, millist hinda me võiksime saada.En: I've researched what price we might get.Et: See lahendaks paljud probleemid."En: It would solve many problems."Et: Kadi vaatas murelikult fotosid.En: Kadi looked worriedly at the photos.Et: Siin oli pilt temast ja Arvost, mängimas maja ees vana tamme all.En: Here was a picture of her and Arvo, playing under the old oak in front of the house.Et: "Arvo, see maja tähendab mulle nii palju.En: "Arvo, this house means so much to me.Et: Mäletad, kuidas me seal suved veetsime?En: Do you remember how we spent summers there?Et: Ja jõulud vanaemaga..."En: And Christmases with grandma…"Et: "Ma tean, kuidas sa tunned," katkestas Arvo, "aga me peame ka tulevikule mõtlema.En: "I know how you feel," Arvo interrupted, "but we also have to think about the future.Et: See on koorem, mida me ei saa endale lubada."En: It's a burden we can't afford."Et: Vestlus muutus tuliseks.En: The conversation turned heated.Et: Kadi räägib mälestustest, naabritest, kes seal kõrval elasid, ja kuidas iga tuba majas on täis lugu.En: Kadi spoke of memories, the neighbors who lived next door, and how every room in the house was full of stories.Et: Arvo, armsam ja murelikum, vastab, tuues välja finantsmured ja parandamiseks vajaliku töö hinda.En: Arvo, more affectionate and concerned, replied, pointing out financial worries and the cost of necessary repairs.Et: Kumbki ei taha järele anda.En: Neither wanted to give in.Et: Kohvikus hakkas hakkama tasapisi vaiksemaks jääma, inimesed lahkusid, kuid nende vestlus kestis edasi.En: The café gradually began to quiet down, people were leaving, but their conversation continued.Et: Viimaks, kui Kadi vaatas veel üht vana pilti neist kahest koos vanaema õunapuu all, ütles ta vaikselt: "Võib-olla võiksime maja välja üürida?"En: Finally, when Kadi looked at another old photo of the two of them with their grandmother under the apple tree, she said quietly, “Maybe we could rent the house out?”Et: Arvo jäi mõtlema.En: Arvo paused to think.Et: "Nii me ei kaotaks seda, aga ka ei oleks see meile otseseks koormaks.En: “That way we wouldn't lose it, but it also wouldn't be a direct burden on us.Et: Sa paned osaliselt õigesse kohta raja," nõustus ta lõpuks.En: You're partially on the right path,” he finally agreed.Et: Nad leppisid kokku, et hoolitsevad maja eest ja üürivad selle välja.En: They agreed to take care of the house and rent it out.Et: Need mälestused jäävad, kuid nad suudavad ka oma elu edasi viia.En: Those memories would remain, but they could also move forward with their lives.Et: Selle päevaga avastas Arvo uue austuse perekonna ajaloo ja lugude vastu.En: On this day, Arvo discovered a new appreciation for family history and stories.Et: Samal ajal sai Kadi paremini aru, et tuleb arvestada ka nüüdisaja vajadustega.En: At the same time, Kadi better understood the need to consider contemporary needs.Et: Läbi lumiste Tallinna tänavate läksid nad tagasi oma igapäevaellu, teades, et olid leidnud ühise lahenduse, mis austas nende lapsepõlve ja tulevikku.En: Through the snowy streets of Tallinn, they returned to their everyday lives, knowing they had found a mutual ...