Is talking about money challenging for you? Do you understand why you handle money the way you do? Is the conversation about money a point of conflict in your marriage? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then this episode was created with you in mind! Greg and Meg have been on a marriage journey to financial peace, and dive into a tough lesson of understanding the foundation of their money stories. The way you handle money has a lot to do with the money classroom that you grew up in! Tune in to this episode to get your money twogether!
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Greg IG: https://www.instagram.com/gregkharrisjr/
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Link to Book mentioned in this episode https://www.ramseysolutions.com/store/books/know-yourself-know-your-money-by-rachel-cruze?v=kykym-hardcover&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqoibBhDUARIsAH2OpWhiSQlMgSP6O3ea5RnKI4AY4JST5x7uo93J0IFPgtO-uPjKRH9-Z70aAvkHEALw_wcB