Hey guys, welcome back to the Real Estate Marketing Minute. We've got a weekly roundup and a quick marketing tip for you today. So on December 12th, we've got National Poinsettia Day, which is a great day to, you know, share poinsettia pictures, images, that sort of thing. Then on the 13th is Cocoa Day, and on the 16th is National Chocolate Covered Anything Day. So, you know, do with that what you will maybe post about it, send an email, buy yourself some chocolates, that sort of thing, right? And then on the 17th is National Maple Syrup Day. So that's your weekly roundup for your Wacky Holidays. And then one quick little marketing tip here. Pull together a list of where all the holiday lights in your area are, you know, and I say all of, maybe, you know, four or five places to go and view holiday lights and post that to your social media. Maybe send an email and that's your marketing tip for the week. Thanks so much for watching. We do appreciate it. We'll see you next time.