
  • Holy Sh*t. Episode Six: MAGA and the Anti-Christ

    No, we are not saying President Trump is the anti-Christ. What Maggy is saying is that such an archetype exists and its influence shows in all kinds of power-grabs, violence, cruelty and hatred.

    The trouble with an anti-Christ archetype is that it is Lucific. It looks exciting and interesting and very, very attractive. That so many of us are actually addicted and excited by the latest news from the USA is a telling sign that there is something very wrong.

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    19 分
  • Holy Sh*t. Episode 5: Mr President, please have mercy

    We may be late to the party but we cannot allow to pass unregarded, Rt Rev. Mariann Budde's sermon at Washington Cathedral last week, nor the MAGA backlash to it.

    We are being called to become spiritual warriors - and we must do this. This is a Lucific presidency which certainly appears entertaining to those not directly affected but not to call out the evils already being proposed would be to become complicit. Let us speak together: 'Mr President, please have mercy.'

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    9 分
  • Holy Sh*t. Episode Four: Foreigners and F**k-Ups

    As President Trump puts all the government's diversity staff, Mark takes a look at Jesus' compassion for the 'outsider' the 'other' and even the official enemy of his people.

    MAGA Christianity is Christofascism. it has nothing whatsoever to do with the teachings of Jesus.

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    12 分
  • Holy Sh*t. Episode Three: The Patchwork Saints

    'By their fruits you shall know them,' Matthew 7:16. Today Maggy's homily is about a lady called Rebecca who isn't Christian; yet she is a Patchwork Saint who works harder than anyone else in Maggy's town to help people in need. You can tell the World you are Christian all you like, but what are you actually doing to help?

    We all need to become Jimmy Carters or Rebeccas rather than being part of the majority who don't - or won't - engage in the world's healing but who prefer to criticise those who do.

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    17 分
  • Holy Sh*t. Episode 2: MAGA and the Golden Calf.

    The MAGA movement in America are a perfect example of everything that is wrong in Christianity - and which has been wrong for more than 1500 years. Jesus always interpreted law through love - with love as the winner every time. He taught that the outsider, the unbeliever, the literal enemy, the lost and the poor were closer to understanding the mystery of the nature of the Divine than any of the religious law-makers of his time.

    Today, Mark starts unpacking right wing Christianity as seriously fake news.

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    13 分
  • Holy Sh*t. Episode 1: Happy New Year - and We are so, SO sorry.

    Quite rightly, these are challenging times to say you are a Christian. Christianity has been controlled and manipulated for nearly two thousand years, in order to vaunt superiority, despise, even destroy, those who don't hold the same beliefs.

    We may not have any answers but we will not be avoiding the difficult questions nor scapegoating nor using cheap proof texts nor pontificating. You can expect this to be authentic, messy and even a little bit fucked up at times. Welcome to the journey.

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    15 分