
  • Part 22 - "Jesus and Abiding Fruit"
    Tim continues our series on John 15.
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  • Part 21 - "Jesus - The Way to Soul Satisfaction"
    Every heart longs for deep, soul satisfaction, a sense of finally being in a place of true rest, but it seems no-one knows how to get to it. In this message Tom Scrivens takes us through some of Jesus’ most famous and controversial words as Jesus claims to be the only way to soul satisfying relationship with God. #RealLife #Truth #Jesus
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  • Part 20 - "Jesus Doesn't Leave Us As Orphans"
    We’re back in our series in the book of John and this week we see Jesus explaining to his disciple that he won’t be with them for much longer. But he is going to make a way for them to know his presence even when he’s gone. Mike Betts unpacks for us the beautiful way in which Jesus does not leave us as orphans - he does this by sending the Holy Spirit. #HolySpirit #Orphans #PowerOfGod
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  • Part 6 - "Praying"
    What do we do when we see those we love going through difficulties but feel powerless to practically help them? Do our prayers for others really make a difference? What sort of things could we be praying for them? In this message, Tom Scrivens looks at the prayer life of the Apostle Paul and gives us practical pointers on how to build prayer for others into our lives.
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  • Part 5 - "Hosting"
    We serve a God who wants to know us, but also who wants us to be in community with one another. Hannah Alston speaks on the topic of hospitality, something we’re urged to practice and pursue “without grumbling”. Hannah is joined by Annabelle Shepherd and Tim Mann to look at how we can do this in church and through our relationships.
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  • Part 4 - "Serving"
    Jesus came to serve and not to be served. Naturally, human beings come to be served and not to serve. If we want to be great then it's going to look like a life of service. In part 4 of our "Love is a Verb" series, Tom Scrivens and Bram & Ella-Sophia Cross unpack what it looks like to serve in the light of all that Jesus has done and is doing in the world. #Serve #Greatness #Mission
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  • Part 3 - "Rejoicing and Weeping"
    How can we as a community enter into people's joy and their grief? Is community really worth the pain that it can sometimes be? It's the third message in our new mini series 'Love is a Verb' and this time we'll be hearing from Tom Scrivens along with Greg and Jenny Frost as we look at 'Rejoicing and Weeping'. #Community #Love #Grief #Joy
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  • Part 2 - "Challenging"
    Part of our loving of others is not to affirm every decision someone makes! Sometimes we need to challenge, provoke and urge others to live lives that are pleasing to God. Tim Virgo speaks from Acts 20:17–38 as Paul speaks to the elders of the church, on how we bring and receive challenge. #love #discipling #church
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