
  • Bonus Episode: What Now?
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  • New City Catechism Question Fifty-Two


    In this final episode of the New City Catechism series, Pastor Jon discusses the hope of everlasting life. He emphasizes that this present fallen world is not all there is and that our hope should not be placed in it. However, he also highlights the importance of recognizing the value of this world and our work within it. Pastor John explains that the purpose of every human being is to enjoy God and glorify Him forever. He also discusses the freedom from sin that we will experience in the new heaven and new earth, as well as the joy of living with and enjoying God forever. The episode concludes with a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky about the hope of resurrection.


    Our hope should not be placed in this present fallen world, but we should recognize the value of our work and lives within it. The purpose of every human being is to enjoy God and glorify Him forever. In the new heaven and new earth, we will be fully and forever freed from all sin. We look forward to living with and enjoying God forever. The hope of resurrection brings healing, harmony, and justification for all that has happened.


    00:00 Introduction and Final Question 02:22 Recognizing the Value of This Present Fallen World 03:43 Freedom from Sin in the New Heaven and New Earth 04:12 Living with and Enjoying God Forever 05:08 The Hope of Resurrection 06:05 Conclusion

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  • New City Catechism Question Fifty-One


    In this episode, Pastor Jon explores the question of what advantage Christ's ascension has for us. He explains that Christ's ascension is not just a foregone conclusion, but a part of God's perfect plan. It is a demonstration of God's love for us and His desire to advocate for us. Pastor John also discusses the difference between Protestant and Catholic beliefs regarding advocates with God, emphasizing that Jesus is the only intercessor we need. He concludes by highlighting the importance of the Holy Spirit, who is now with us and inside us, transforming us and aiding us in our Christian walk.


    Christ's ascension is not just a foregone conclusion, but a part of God's perfect plan. Jesus is the only intercessor we need with God. The Holy Spirit is now with us and inside us, transforming us and aiding us in our Christian walk.


    00:00 The Significance of Christ's Ascension 03:28 The Role of Jesus as Our Advocate 04:11 Protestant and Catholic Perspectives on Advocacy 05:35 The Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit

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  • New City Catechism Question Fifty


    The conversation explores the question of what Christ's resurrection means for us. It emphasizes that through trust in Jesus, we are raised to new life in this world and to everlasting life in the world to come. The hope of Jesus' resurrection is not limited to eternity but starts now, bringing a new life and true freedom. Additionally, the conversation highlights that just as we will be resurrected, this world will be restored, and as Christians, we have a role in making the world more just and beautiful. Overall, the resurrection of Jesus holds significance for both individuals and the world.


    Through trust in Jesus, we are raised to new life in this world and to everlasting life in the world to come. The hope of Jesus' resurrection starts now and brings a new life and true freedom. As Christians, we have a role in making the world more just and beautiful, contributing to its restoration. The resurrection of Jesus holds significance for both individuals and the world.


    00:00 Introduction and Setting the Context 02:22 Chapter 1: The Meaning of Christ's Resurrection 04:34 Chapter 2: New Life and True Freedom 05:30 Chapter 3: Contributing to the Restoration of the World 07:02 Chapter 4: Significance for Individuals and the World 07:25 Conclusion

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  • New City Catechism Question Forty-Nine


    In this episode, Pastor Jon discusses the New City Catechism question number 49: Where is Christ now? He explains that the question is not about finding Christ like in a Where's Waldo book, but rather about understanding the Christian belief that Jesus rose bodily from the grave and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. Pastor John emphasizes the importance of the bodily resurrection of Jesus and how it is not just a metaphor or analogy. He also touches on the eternal nature of Jesus as both fully God and fully man. The episode concludes with a reminder that understanding God is a lifelong journey.


    The Christian belief is that Jesus rose bodily from the grave and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. The bodily resurrection of Jesus is not a metaphor or analogy, but a statement of truth. Jesus is both fully God and fully man, and while he is omnipresent, there is also a way in which he is in one place at a time. Understanding God is a lifelong journey and we may never fully grasp everything about Him.


    00:00 The Importance of the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus 04:04 Jesus: Fully God and Fully Man 05:43 Understanding God: A Lifelong Journey

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  • New City Catechism Question Forty-Eight


    In this episode, Pastor Jon discusses the question 'What is the church?' He emphasizes that the church is not a building or a leader, but a community chosen and preserved by God. The church is called to worship God together, connect with one another and others, and share the gospel. Pastor John highlights the importance of the church's role in prefiguring Christ's kingdom through the quality of their life together and their love for one another.


    The church is not a building or a leader, but a community chosen and preserved by God. The church's mission is to worship God together, connect with one another and others, and share the gospel. The church prefigures Christ's kingdom through the quality of their life together and their love for one another. The church is a powerful apologetic and offers a picture of what life as a Christian should be like.


    00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the New City Catechism 02:21 The Church as a Chosen Community 03:12 The Church is Not a Building 04:10 God as the Center of the Church 05:26 Prefiguring Christ's Kingdom through Life Together 06:19 Conclusion and Call to Action

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  • New City Catechism Question Forty-Seven


    In this episode of the Hope Grows podcast, Pastor Jo


    The Lord's Supper does not add anything to Christ's atoning work; it is a celebration and reinforcement of what Christ has already done. Partaking in the Lord's Supper with unrepentant hearts brings judgment upon oneself. Before receiving the sacrament, we should examine ourselves and come in repentance and faith. It is important to have difficult conversations with those who may not be ready to partake in the Lord's Supper.


    00:00 Introduction and Question 47 02:47 The Lord's Supper and Christ's Atoning Work 03:17 The Purpose of the Lord's Supper 04:11 Examine Yourself Before Receiving the Sacrament 05:34 The Importance of Difficult Conversations 06:30 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    n discusses question number 47 of the New City Catechism: Does the Lord's Supper add anything to Christ's atoning work? The answer is no. The Lord's Supper is a covenant meal that celebrates Christ's atoning work and strengthens our faith. It is not a means of adding to what Christ has already done. However, those who partake in the Lord's Supper with unrepentant hearts bring judgment upon themselves. The episode concludes with a reminder to examine ourselves before receiving the sacrament and to have difficult conversations with those who may not be ready to partake.

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  • New City Catechism Question Forty-Six


    The conversation explores the meaning and significance of the Lord's Supper, also known as communion. It discusses the different interpretations of the Lord's Supper throughout Christian history, including transubstantiation, memorial view, and spiritual presence. The focus is on the spiritual presence belief, which acknowledges the presence of Jesus in communion without defining the exact details. The conversation concludes by emphasizing the anticipation of the day when believers will eat and drink with Christ in his Father's kingdom.


    The Lord's Supper is a celebration of the presence of God in our midst. There have been different interpretations of the Lord's Supper throughout Christian history, including transubstantiation, memorial view, and spiritual presence. The spiritual presence belief acknowledges the presence of Jesus in communion without defining the exact details. The Lord's Supper anticipates the day when believers will eat and drink with Christ in his Father's kingdom.


    00:00 Exploring the Meaning of the Lord's Supper 01:25 Different Interpretations of the Lord's Supper 05:36 Anticipating the Feast in God's Kingdom

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