
  • A Jericho Shout

    Key Takeaways:

    • Vision and Faith: Keeping the vision alive and trusting in God's promises can lead to miraculous outcomes, even when the journey seems impossible.

    • Obedience to God: The Israelites' victory was a direct result of their obedience to God's instructions, which released His power and led to the fall of Jericho's walls.

    • God's Faithfulness: God's promises are steadfast and will be fulfilled in His perfect timing, regardless of how long it takes.

    • Dependence on God: In every aspect of life, including personal battles, relationships, and careers, relying on God's guidance is essential for victory.

    • Transformation through Faith: With God, what seems insurmountable becomes conquerable, and His faithfulness transforms lives in unimaginable ways.

    Notable Quotes:

    1. "The story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho is not just an ancient tale. It is a testament to the power and faithfulness of God in our lives today."

    2. "The first step to seeing the walls come down is to keep the vision alive."

    3. "The Israelites' victory was a direct result of their obedience to God's instructions. Obedience rel

    Join Heidi Wysman as she reflects on biblical principles to anchor you deeper in Hope.

    Heidi’s desire is for everyone to understand and experience the love of God, that she encountered in 1993. She is the founder of Hope with Heidi, a ministry to help disciple people to have a revelation of Jesus. Heidi is a recognised speaker and lecturer. She has a BA in Ministry and is the author of One – Complete Intimacy with God.

    Listen to more from our Hope Podcasts collection at hopepodcasts.com.au. And send the team a message via Hope 103.2’s app, Facebook or Instagram.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • Face to Face

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Nature of God's Relationship: God desires a personal and relational connection with each of us, much like He had with Moses.

    • Intimacy vs. Familiarity: There's a significant difference between knowing about God and knowing Him intimately.

    • Daily Connection: It's essential to seek daily encounters with God's presence to maintain a vibrant spiritual relationship.

    • Heart of Surrender: Approach prayers with a heart full of surrender to God's will rather than focusing solely on personal agendas.

    • Enhanced Access Through Christ: Thanks to Jesus, we have a more profound and direct connection to God than even Moses experienced.

    Notable Quotes:

    1. "And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend."

    2. "Every one of us is as close to God as we have chosen."

    3. "We must never confuse fa

    Join Heidi Wysman as she reflects on biblical principles to anchor you deeper in Hope.

    Heidi’s desire is for everyone to understand and experience the love of God, that she encountered in 1993. She is the founder of Hope with Heidi, a ministry to help disciple people to have a revelation of Jesus. Heidi is a recognised speaker and lecturer. She has a BA in Ministry and is the author of One – Complete Intimacy with God.

    Listen to more from our Hope Podcasts collection at hopepodcasts.com.au. And send the team a message via Hope 103.2’s app, Facebook or Instagram.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • Remember Me

    Key Takeaways:

    • Unwavering Faith: Joseph's journey teaches us to maintain faith in God's plan, even in our most challenging seasons.

    • God's Sovereignty: Nothing is outside of God's control; He weaves every event into a perfect tapestry.

    • Hope in Despair: Even when human hopes fail, God's presence is steadfast, providing hope and direction.

    • Growth in Silence: Periods of waiting are opportunities for spiritual growth and deeper reliance on God.

    • Legacy of Faith: By trusting in God’s timing, we can leave a lasting impact of faith in our families and communities.

    Notable Quotes:

    1. "Sometimes God strips us of every human hope until our hope is centered on Him alone."

    2. "Nothing is ever wasted, you are never forgotten, and nothing is ever outside of God's sovereignty."

    3. "Joseph's trust in the sovereign God carried him through many bleak day

    Join Heidi Wysman as she reflects on biblical principles to anchor you deeper in Hope.

    Heidi’s desire is for everyone to understand and experience the love of God, that she encountered in 1993. She is the founder of Hope with Heidi, a ministry to help disciple people to have a revelation of Jesus. Heidi is a recognised speaker and lecturer. She has a BA in Ministry and is the author of One – Complete Intimacy with God.

    Listen to more from our Hope Podcasts collection at hopepodcasts.com.au. And send the team a message via Hope 103.2’s app, Facebook or Instagram.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • Introducing: Money Faith & Finance

    Tap here to listen to this Money Faith & Finance episode

    Join hosts Ben McEachen and Pete Burrows as they sit with Danniebelle on the Money: Faith & Finance podcast. Discover how Danniebelle's upbringing in biblical generosity faced challenges from redundancy and mortgage pressures to anxiety. Learn how she turned to Jesus' promises in the Sermon on the Mount and 1 Corinthians 10:13, seeking God through hardship to grow in faithfulness.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • What Moves You

    Key Takeaways:

    • Faith-Based Action: Noah's story is a potent reminder of acting on faith, highlighting the importance of being moved by God's word rather than societal opinions.

    • Divine Guidance: Reflect on what guides your actions – the voice of God or the noise of the world, as illustrated by Romans 12:2.

    • Courage and Obedience: Noah’s courage in the face of doubt and ridicule underscores the necessity of trusting in God's plan and provision.

    • Active Faith: Faith requires dynamic and concrete steps of obedience, emphasizing the need for believers to take actionable steps in following God's commands.

    • Sufficiency of God's Provision: God's grace and provision are always sufficient, just as He equipped Noah with everything needed to complete his task.

    Notable Quotes:

    • "Noah's faith wasn't passive. It was active and dynamic. It moved him to take concrete steps in obedience to God's command."

    • "Sometimes we need to ask ourselves what is moving us to action? Is it God's still small voice, his word, or the opinions and influences of those around us?"

    • "The same God who was with Noah, who provided and protected him, is with us. He sees the bigger picture and knows what lies ahead."

    Join Heidi Wysman as she reflects on biblical principles to anchor you deeper in Hope.

    Heidi’s desire is for everyone to understand and experience the love of God, that she encountered in 1993. She is the founder of Hope with Heidi, a ministry to help disciple people to have a revelation of Jesus. Heidi is a recognised speaker and lecturer. She has a BA in Ministry and is the author of One – Complete Intimacy with God.

    Listen to more from our Hope Podcasts collection at hopepodcasts.com.au. And send the team a message via Hope 103.2’s app, Facebook or Instagram.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • Divide and Multiply

    Key Takeaways:

    • Divine Purpose in Conflict: God can use conflicts and separations to advance His kingdom and spread the gospel further than initially planned.

    • Multiplying Ministry Efforts: The split between Paul and Barnabas resulted in the formation of two ministry teams, leading to the gospel reaching more people.

    • Reconciliation Matters: Despite initial disagreements, Paul eventually reconciled with John Mark, indicating God's persistent call for unity and reconciliation.

    • God's Comprehensive Plan: God's wisdom and plans encompass every aspect of our lives, even conflicts, ensuring they work together for the greater good and His kingdom's advancement.

    • Faith in Seasons of Change: Trusting in God's plan during times of conflict or change can lead to unexpected and bountiful outcomes.

    Notable Quotes:

    1. "Dividing and multiplying are frequently involved in God's redemptive plan."

    2. "God utilized the separation for his kingdom purposes... to actually spread the gospel even further."

    3. "While God always desires reconciliation between ministry partners, colleagues and friends, sometimes a change in direction is often the best way forward

    Join Heidi Wysman as she reflects on biblical principles to anchor you deeper in Hope.

    Heidi’s desire is for everyone to understand and experience the love of God, that she encountered in 1993. She is the founder of Hope with Heidi, a ministry to help disciple people to have a revelation of Jesus. Heidi is a recognised speaker and lecturer. She has a BA in Ministry and is the author of One – Complete Intimacy with God.

    Listen to more from our Hope Podcasts collection at hopepodcasts.com.au. And send the team a message via Hope 103.2’s app, Facebook or Instagram.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • Authentic Armour

    Key Takeaways:

    • Embrace your authenticity: Just as David trusted in his slingshot and stones, we should rely on our unique gifts and strengths.

    • Avoid the trappings of imitation: Trying to adopt someone else’s methods can hinder our effectiveness and weigh us down.

    • Trust in God's provision: Our true power lies in coming before the Lord with honest faith and using the talents He has given us.

    • Growth and evolution: Like David, who eventually wore the armor of a king, we too will develop new strengths over time.

    • Victory through faith: Courage and confidence in God’s provision ensure that the victory in our battles is already won.

    Notable Quotes:

    1. "Before facing Goliath, David faced an unexpected offer. King Saul's armor. Yet when David tried it on, it was clear it wasn't his."

    2. "We may be tempted to don another's armor, their skill set, their revelations, believing it will give us an edge in the battle."

    3. "David stepped out in his own authenticity. David, with his honest and bold faith, recognized this."

    Join Heidi Wysman as she reflects on biblical principles to anchor you deeper in Hope.

    Heidi’s desire is for everyone to understand and experience the love of God, that she encountered in 1993. She is the founder of Hope with Heidi, a ministry to help disciple people to have a revelation of Jesus. Heidi is a recognised speaker and lecturer. She has a BA in Ministry and is the author of One – Complete Intimacy with God.

    Listen to more from our Hope Podcasts collection at hopepodcasts.com.au. And send the team a message via Hope 103.2’s app, Facebook or Instagram.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • God Will Fight For You

    Key Takeaways:

    • Faith over Fear: David's triumph over Goliath accentuates the power of unwavering faith in God, rather than relying on one's own strength.

    • Divine Power: The episode underscores that God's power is made perfect in our weaknesses, as highlighted in 2 Corinthians 12:9.

    • Spiritual Weapons: The contrast between worldly and divine weapons is explored, emphasizing 2 Corinthians 10:3-4's teaching that we wage war using God's spiritual arsenal.

    • Revelation through Challenges: Challenges in life are not just obstacles but opportunities for God to reveal His power and strengthen our faith.

    • Focus on God's Promises: By shifting our focus from our battles to God's promises, we allow Him to take control and lead us to victory.

    Notable Quotes:

    1. "Filled with faith and passion for God's name, David faced Goliath, a towering nine-foot giant who blasphemed the living God."

    2. "As TD Jakes said, ‘Goliath didn't come to defeat David, he came to reveal him.’"

    3. "My grace is sufficient for

    Join Heidi Wysman as she reflects on biblical principles to anchor you deeper in Hope.

    Heidi’s desire is for everyone to understand and experience the love of God, that she encountered in 1993. She is the founder of Hope with Heidi, a ministry to help disciple people to have a revelation of Jesus. Heidi is a recognised speaker and lecturer. She has a BA in Ministry and is the author of One – Complete Intimacy with God.

    Listen to more from our Hope Podcasts collection at hopepodcasts.com.au. And send the team a message via Hope 103.2’s app, Facebook or Instagram.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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