In this captivating episode of MU Talks, hosts Alin Vrancila and Renee Duffy dive deep into the dynamic interplay between classroom-based education and the vast realm of learning opportunities beyond its walls. Joined by esteemed guests, Dr. Greg Burch, a renowned professor of Global Development, and Kailani West, a recent Multnomah University graduate from the same program, we explore how the collaboration between in-classroom and out-of-classroom learning experiences can unlock a new level of educational growth and holistic development.
Together, we embark on a thought-provoking journey, unraveling the ways in which formal instruction and informal learning environments synergize to shape well-rounded individuals. From collaborative projects and community engagement to real-world applications of theoretical concepts, we examine the transformative potential that emerges when classroom knowledge is integrated with practical experiences. Through insightful discussions and personal anecdotes, our guests shed light on the power of cooperation between educational settings, highlighting how this symbiotic relationship nurtures critical thinking, fosters creativity, and nurtures a sense of global citizenship.