In today's episode, we have a fantastic conversation about natural supplementation for gamers that can improve their performance and health and a teenager gamer's perspective on harmful gamers' habits. Joining us today are Dr. Chris Jackson and his 16-year-old nephew, Marcus. Dr. Chris is the co-founder and CEO of Betterbrand Health; a nutraceutical company focused on upper respiratory support and mental acuity. He is also the Lead Product Developer at Elite Sweets, a Doctor of Pharmacy from The University of Texas, a lifelong gamer, and a retired US Army Veteran. Throughout our conversation, Dr. Chris talks about his journey from the military to becoming a pharmacist, his interest in esports and gaming, and his passion for helping others recover and improving their health. Dr. Chris also talks about his decision to dive into the entrepreneurial side of medicine and the multiple benefits for gamers from using the right supplements. In addition, Marcus shares his perspective as a teenager gamer on bad habits, how to encourage good practices and healthy routines, how he sees schools getting into the health and wellness for gamers conversation, and much more. This podcast is Powered by Cognizin: Visit cognizin.com to learn more and find a product to help fuel your day. Visit: www.cognizin.com / Resources: Visit Betterbrand's website: www.trybetterbrand.com Or connect with Dr. Chris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-jackson-betterbrand/ Taxed on first 80% of the revenue