Episode 2
Have you ever heard we attract who we are?
Have you ever wondered why you do what you do?
In episode 2 I explain the foundations of how our brain works, what we can do to reprogram and break patterns and why we keep attracting the same type of partner.
Xoxo, Danielle Johnson Smith
Inner Work Homework
What method would you like to start incorporating into your day to rewire your brain?
Is your circle positive, uplifting and going places?
Are the men you are chatting with wasting your time?
gratitude first thing in the a.m.
Listen to podcasts, audible books, high vibrational music, sound bath
Repeat I AM affirmations every morning while getting ready for the day
Observe the stories I tell: Do they involve me being a victim or martyr?
Join meetup.com outings to expose yourself to your highest level
Mirror Work
Hypnosis (YouTube)
EFT tapping
Vision board
Somatic embodiment work
Ecstatic dance
Upgrade what you watch, who you hang around
Observe your language and rephrase
Additional Resources:
The Art of Modern Dating School: https://femininefrequencyrising.thinkific.com
Donations: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/daniellejohnson147?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US%E2%81%A3
Music Credit:
Onycs - Shine" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/bkc-shine
Podcast Website:
Enjoy the journey.
Xoxo, Danielle Johnson Smith