How to [Actually] Leverage IG Stories to Generate Business Leads - Rocketfuel UNTD Community - MondayRocketFuel.com
Let’s be HONEST😳
How many times have you said that you want to get leads for your real estate business on instagram⁉️
But, never know WHAT to post or WHAT to do to get consistent leads? 🤔
How many times have you wished that your reels and calls to action would finally start to bring eager leads into your DM’s like all of the Instagram experts promised they would?
Then be sure to catch the replay to learn from one of the BEST. 🙌🏼
Yes, you heard that! Elea Karras @businessof_realestate has broken down her unique Instagram story sequencing strategy.📲
Elea teaches you how to leverage Instagram stories, sequencing them together with interactive polls and questions to not only foster engagement but to generate lots and lots of leads!
A collaborative space for the real estate industry to go further, faster together.
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