How to Get the Down Payment When Buying Rental Properties
There are two primary ways to deal with down payments when buying rental properties: first you can REDUCE the need for them and second you can focus on ways to PRODUCE the down payment required. In this mini-class, James discusses strategies to produce the down payments when buying rental properties.
Check out the video of this class here:
How to Get the Down Payment When Buying Rental Properties - Video Recording
In this special mini-class for the Real Estate Financial Planner™ coaching program James covers:
- We're not just talking about down payment... but...
- Reduce and Produce
- Will it work for me? Fools will... and intelligent, gritty, resolved people will...
- “Investment Cards” (aka Credit Cards)
- Security Deposit
- Maintenance Reserves
- Property equity
- Depreciation
- Retirement Account
- Family Members (Legacy Nomad™)
- Sell stuff you don’t need or want
- Saving
- From regular job, part-time, extra job, business to fund your retirement (or build your fortune)
- Partnering
- Rents (including House Hacking)
- Lease-Option Fees
- Plus more...